Hello there,


I have made one strorage and one device for each Client. Now labelling seems to 
be ok.




Achim Saur




Von: Saur, Achim 
Gesendet: Freitag, 20. März 2009 08:53
An: 'bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net'
Betreff: Volume labeling according to Job Problem


Hi there,


we have a Problem with labeling of volumes. The volumes are labelled with the 
name of the job plus the pool it used.

We use Harddisks as media. Strange thing is, that volumes are labeled with the 
wrong name. We currently have 4 jobs. 

And planning to implement it to more. It isn't everytime the same job which 
labeled wrong.



The output of the job:


Build OS:               i486-pc-linux-gnu debian lenny/sid

  JobId:                  176

  Job:                    Gatexx.2009-03-19_23.05.07

  Backup Level:           Incremental, since=2009-03-18 23:05:57

  Client:                 "gatexx.xxxx-fd" 2.2.8 (26Jan08) 

  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2009-02-20 11:39:13

  Pool:                   "Incr" (From Job IncPool override)

  Storage:                "File" (From Job resource)

  Scheduled time:         19-Mär-2009 23:05:00

  Start time:             19-Mär-2009 23:06:01

  End time:               19-Mär-2009 23:06:10

  Elapsed time:           9 secs

  Priority:               10

  FD Files Written:       335

  SD Files Written:       335

  FD Bytes Written:       49,219,193 (49.21 MB)

  SD Bytes Written:       49,256,673 (49.25 MB)

  Rate:                   5468.8 KB/s

  Software Compression:   75.1 %

  VSS:                    no

  Storage Encryption:     no

  Volume name(s):         bacula-fd-200922523231-incr




The configuration of the job:


Job {

  Name = "Gatexx"

  Type = Backup

  Client = gatexx.xxxx-fd

  FileSet = "Full Set"

  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

  Storage = File

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = Default

  Full Backup Pool = Full

  Incremental Backup Pool = Incr

  Differential Backup Pool = Diff

  Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/gatexx.xxxx.bsr"


Here is my pool:


Pool {

  Name = Incr

  Pool Type = Backup

  Recycle = yes

  Autoprune = yes

  Volume Retention = 22 days

  Label Format = "$JobName-incr"

  Maximum Volume Jobs = 1

  Use Volume Once = yes


If I run the jobs manually everything is ok. The Volumes are labeled according 
to their jobs. Do I have to upgrade Bacula because it's a known Bug in my 

Or have I overseen something?

OS used: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS

Bacula Version: 2.2.8-5ubuntu7.2

Hints are appreciated.

Best regards

Achim Saur

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