Hi everyone,

I have a clarkconnect install that handles mail for our office, I use
the built in bacula system to backup the mail everyday.

It's worked sweetly for many months, but I've just noticed that the
differential backups don't seem to be configured correctly. My backup
schedule is as follows:

Every monday morning at 11am, full backup.
Every day at 4pm, differential backup.

I have 2 jobs, 'mail_diff' and 'mail_full' and 2 schedules, 'full'
that handles monday morning's full backup and 'diff' that handles the
daily differential.

I also have 3 pools, two for the full backups which I rotate and a
differential pool - these are network shares accessed via smb.

My configuration of the 'mail_full' and mail_diff' jobs both point to
the same fileset (all the mail on the machine) but for some reason
(probably my poor configuration) the differentials don't follow on
from the latest full backup automatically (if that makes sense!)...

How can I make sure that the differentials only backup data that is
new relative to monday morning's full backup?

Hugh, UK

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