Hi All,

I have a mix of disk and tape backups.  To disk I allow up to
20 jobs run concurrently.  On my tape library I have 3 tape
drives, so only allow a max of 3 jobs to run concurrently.
I run Full backups once a month, Differentials once a week
and incrementals most days of the week.  I would prefer to
give preference to a Full backup over a Diff or Incr and I'd
like to give preference to a Diff over an Incr.


I set:
  Full backups to have a priority of 30
  Differential backups to have a priority of 40
  Incremental backups to have a priority of 50

I figured that since I had concurrency setup with my "Max
Concurrent Jobs" setting that this would happen...  If there
was a "fight" for a medium, with no other medium currently
free, that a Full would have preference to the medium over a
Differential which would have preference over an Incremental.

What I'm seeing is that if a Full is running on a certain
type of storage, only other Fulls will run on that storage.
If a full is running on one type of storage, other jobs
(Diffs and Incrs) will run on the other types of storage.
So, if I have a Full running to disk storage #1, then an Incr
will run to disk storage #2, but not #1.  For disk storage I
mostly understand this.

This really becomes a problem for tape storage.  I would like
to be able to run backups on the other 2 tape drives in my
library when a Full backup is running.  I have several large,
slow servers which take upwards of 36 hours to backup and
during this time I can't backup anything of a lower Priority
than that system which I'm currently backing up.

Do I have to entirely can (forget) the notion of job Priorities
except in the cases where I absolutely want a certain job to
have exclusive rights to a backup medium?

Thanks, in advance for all the help,

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         John M. Lockard |  U of Michigan - School of Information
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