Please correct me if I'm wrong? The way that I understand it is that when
you set a heartbeat interval in the director, the director will keep the
connection open, for the specified time, for each client, is that correct?
Now if my previous statement is correct, is it necessary to specify a
heartbeat interval in the FD or doesn't matter where you specify it? 

With regards,

Janco van der Merwe
Technical Manager
Dunns Stores (Pty) Ltd
Switch Board: 011 541 3000
Direct: 011 541 3073
Cell: 083 291 8536
Fax: 0866308032

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Langille [] 
Sent: 05 March 2009 17:38
To: Janco van der Merwe
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] FD Error On Backup

Janco van der Merwe wrote:
> Silly question........ what would be an advisable / recommended heartbeat
> interval for the FD and DIR, respectively?

It's not much overhead.  I'd go for 60 seconds.

> With regards,
> Janco van der Merwe
> Technical Manager
> Dunns Stores (Pty) Ltd
> Switch Board: 011 541 3000
> Direct: 011 541 3073
> Cell: 083 291 8536
> Fax: 0866308032
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Langille [] 
> Sent: 03 March 2009 08:06
> To: Janco van der Merwe
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] FD Error On Backup
> Janco van der Merwe wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have this error which started after hardware upgrade of our MIS system 
>> and I can't fix it. I went through the archive and a lot of people, who 
>> previously had this same problem, suggested that it might be network 
>> hardware i.e. Network cable, switch, router, NIC - related but in my 
>> case I changed the network cable from cat5 to cat6, put the 2 servers on 
>> the same Gb switch and there is no router or firewall between the two - 
>> including the normal OS firewall. I have even gone as far as downgrading 
>> the client from 2.2.8 to 2.2.5 and still the problem persists, any ideas?
> Look into the heartbeat options.  I think you can set it for both FD and 
> SD/dir.
>> System Info:
>> Server:
>> Bacula Version: 2.2.8
>> OS Version: Fedora 8
>> Client:
>> Bacula Version: 2.2.5
>> OS Version: Windows Server 2003 R2
>> Notification Mail:
>> 03-Mar 02:22 brutus-dir JobId 10659: Start Backup JobId 10659, 
>> Job=MIS2005.2009-03-02_18.00.49 03-Mar 02:22 brutus-dir JobId 10659: 
>> Using Device "LTO"
>> 03-Mar 02:28 mis2005-fd JobId 10659: Generate VSS snapshots. Driver="VSS 
>> Win 2003", Drive(s)="CD"
>> 03-Mar 03:17 brutus-sd JobId 10659: Job write elapsed time = 00:54:49, 
>> Transfer rate = 87.27 M bytes/second 03-Mar 04:22 brutus-dir JobId 
>> 10659: Fatal error: Network error with FD during Backup: ERR=Connection 
>> reset by peer 03-Mar 04:22 brutus-dir JobId 10659: Fatal error: No Job 
>> status returned from FD.
>> 03-Mar 04:22 brutus-dir JobId 10659: Error: Bacula brutus-dir 2.2.8 
>> (26Jan08): 03-Mar-2009 04:22:44
>>   Build OS:               i686-pc-linux-gnu redhat
>>   JobId:                  10659
>>   Job:                    MIS2005.2009-03-02_18.00.49
>>   Backup Level:           Full
>>   Client:                 "mis2005-fd" 2.2.5 (09Oct07) 
>> Linux,Cross-compile,Win32
>>   FileSet:                "MIS2005" 2009-02-24 12:00:00
>>   Pool:                   "Daily" (From Job resource)
>>   Storage:                "PV124-T" (From Job resource)
>>   Scheduled time:         02-Mar-2009 18:00:00
>>   Start time:             03-Mar-2009 02:22:40
>>   End time:               03-Mar-2009 04:22:44
>>   Elapsed time:           2 hours 4 secs
>>   Priority:               10
>>   FD Files Written:       0
>>   SD Files Written:       25,207
>>   FD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
>>   SD Bytes Written:       287,038,274,967 (287.0 GB)
>>   Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
>>   Software Compression:   None
>>   VSS:                    no
>>   Storage Encryption:     no
>>   Volume name(s):         000036L3
>>   Volume Session Id:      260
>>   Volume Session Time:    1233812348
>>   Last Volume Bytes:      808,992,156,672 (808.9 GB)
>>   Non-fatal FD errors:    0
>>   SD Errors:              0
>>   FD termination status:  Error
>>   SD termination status:  OK
>>   Termination:            *** Backup Error ***

Dan Langille

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