On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 02:23:04PM +0000, Graham Keeling wrote:
> One kludgy solution that I may have a go at trying is to make the director
> write out a separate .bsr file containing the correct set of volumes that it
> needs for each Storage, and then doing multiple "run job=" commands. This
> will set off multiple restores and you'd end up with multiple confirmation
> messages.
> It might all go horribly wrong if you're using plugins, mind.

After trying to make the above work and not liking it very much, I realised
that there might be a better way.

The way that a restore job works is that the director...
a) opens a connection to the storage daemon
b) opens a connection to the file daemon
c) sends the storage daemon address to the file daemon and waits for a response
        (file daemon contacts the storage daemon)
d) sends the bootstrap file to the file daemon
e) sends the restore commands to the file daemon
        (file daemon sends the bootstrap file to the storage daemon and starts
        receiving data)
f) waits for the file daemon to finish
g) waits for the storage daemon to finish

I think it's possible to change the process so that the director and file
daemons open connections to a series of storage daemons during one job, and the
file daemon sends each storage daemon the relevant segment of .bsr file.

The director could insert 'Storage =' lines into the .bsr file and the file
daemon could parse the individual chunks out to the storage daemons.

I may have a go at making it do this.

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