this is my 1st time using a mailing list so, sorry in advance for my 
Im having a problem with bacula and im just looking for an advice.
Im running bacula 2.4.4 in a Debian Lenny server.
Im doing several backups in windows XP, Debian Lenny Etch and Sarge clients.
That works fine, but im having problems with a windows 2000 client.
it starts the back up and after 1 hour or so it stops.
Here is the important part from the  message i get:

26-feb 22:15 resp01-dir JobId 515: Start Backup JobId 515, 
26-feb 22:15 resp01-dir JobId 515: Using Device "FileStorage"

26-feb 23:26 tsb1-fd JobId 515: Fatal error: ../../filed/backup.c:892 
Network send error to SD. ERR=Input/output error

26-feb 22:17 resp01-sd JobId 515: Job tsb1Diferencial.2009-02-26_22.15.59 
marked to be canceled.
26-feb 22:17 resp01-sd JobId 515: Fatal error: append.c:259 Network error on 
data channel. ERR=connection closed by foreing host
26-feb 22:17 resp01-sd JobId 515: Job write elapsed time = 00:02:13, Transfer 
rate = 677.2 K bytes/second
26-feb 22:17 resp01-dir JobId 515: Error: Bacula resp01-dir 2.4.2 (26Jul08): 
26-feb-2009 22:17:15
  Build OS:               i486-pc-linux-gnu debian lenny/sid
  JobId:                  515
  Job:                    tsb1Diferencial.2009-02-26_22.15.59
  Backup Level:           Full (upgraded from Differential)
  Client:                 "tsb1-fd" 2.4.4 (28Dec08) Linux,Cross-compile,Win32
  FileSet:                "WindowsTsb1" 2009-02-25 22:15:00
  Pool:                   "PoolTsb1Diferencial" (From Job resource)
  Storage:                "File" (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time:         26-feb-2009 22:15:00
  Start time:             26-feb-2009 22:15:02
  End time:               26-feb-2009 22:17:15
  Elapsed time:           2 mins 13 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       53
  SD Files Written:       49
  FD Bytes Written:       90,199,384 (90.19 MB)
  SD Bytes Written:       90,070,974 (90.07 MB)
  Rate:                   678.2 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  VSS:                    no
  Storage Encryption:     no
  Volume name(s):         Tsb1Diferencial0047
  Volume Session Id:      128
  Volume Session Time:    1234889678
  Last Volume Bytes:      180,278,223 (180.2 MB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  Error
  SD termination status:  Canceled
  Termination:            *** Backup Error ***

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