Foo wrote:
> The file selection subsection is a little bit broken, my experience with  
> this is that you need to know the exact syntax in both config and while  
> selecting files. For example, I notice you have a capital C: while in my  
> backups I have a lower case c:, maybe try using it without a slash change  
> the capital to lower case (both while selecting and in your fileset for  
> backup).

I looked my configuration over again to check for uppercase C etc. It 
turns out that things work so much better when I only use one '/' to 
separate directories in the paths :)

For some reason I had C://blabla - I think I started out with 
backslashes, and when that did not work I escaped them with another one, 
and when that did not work I substituted with forward slashes.

Now I have substituted '//' with '/' and it works :)

> If all else fails and you need to get data back from already made backups  
> you could try using the 'all' keyword to restore everything without  
> selection (and then restore it to somewhere else so you don't overwrite  
> stuff you don't want to), or use one of the bscan/bextract utils.

There is nothing in the old backups that I need - I have deleted the 
volume and started over.

Thanks for input.

Thomas Lindgaard

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