Hello bacula-users-maillist,

The bacula directory runs on a openSuSE 11.0 x86_64 machine.

I have a problem with the job resource RunsOnSuccess.

I configured a RunsOnSuccess resource for some backups which backups
windows clients.


Here is the configuration:

JobDefs {


  RunScript {

    RunsWhen = After

    RunsOnSuccess = Yes

    Command="/usr/local/sbin/listing.sh %c %i %l f...@bar.com"




The shell script works. I tested it manually. The path /usr/local/sbin
are included in $PATH.


Then I tested it on one windows client. I called bconsole -c
C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application
Data/bacula/bconsole.conf and started a full job manually.

The backup starts and the files were backuped. But bacula didn't start
the script.

Therefore it send me following messages:

genesis-fd JobId 477: ClientAfterJob: run command
"/usr/local/sbin/listing.sh HOSTNAME-fd 477 Full f...@bar.com"

20-Feb 16:35 HOSTNAME-fd JobId 477: ClientAfterJob: Das System kann den
angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.

20-Feb 16:35 genesis-fd JobId 477: Error: Runscript: ClientAfterJob
returned non-zero status=1. ERR=Unknown error 20-Feb


"Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden" means that bacula
can't find the shell script."


Now my question.

What does it mean with ClientAfterJob?

Does bacula call the script on  client side, on the windows machine?


The documentation says:


Runs On Success Yes/No Yes Run command if JobStatus is successful

Runs On Failure Yes/No No Run command if JobStatus isn't successful

Runs On Client Yes/No Yes Run command on client

Runs When Before-After-Always Never When run commands

Fail Job On Error Yes/No Yes Fail job if script returns something

Command Path to your script


So I mean bacula should call this command on server side, not on client




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