
Do you always check what all programs you've launched have done? I mean, 
if the program says "OK", do you check he is right to say "OK"?
To me, if Bacula says OK, I trust it, I don't check database/archives 
content. I think I'm right because I had to restore 1 TeraBytes, 
including users personnal data. No one complained, so I think they 
didn't loose all their works.

As far as I am concerned, I use hobbit monitor to check bacula backups. 
I use a script inspired from what you can find in 
It ouputs a summary of termination status:

# check_bacula.pl -H 72
job_mail01c 2009-02-21 00:11:01 2009-02-21 01:09:23 Terminated normally 
No of errors: 1

For the past 72 hours, Bacula found 22 jobs:
21 successfull jobs
1 jobs terminated with warning
0 jobs in error
0 jobs with other status

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use POSIX;
use File::Basename;
use DBI;
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw(

my $dbuser = 'bacula' ;
my $dbpass = 'bacula' ;
my $opt_job = '' ;
my $opt_hours = 24 ;
# Taken from jcr.h in Bacula 2.2.3
my %status = (    'A' => 'Canceled by user' ,
         'B' => 'Blocked' ,
         'C' => 'Created, but not running' ,
         'c' => 'Waiting for client resource' ,
         'D' => 'Verify differences' ,
         'd' => 'Waiting for maximum jobs' ,
         'E' => 'Terminated in error' ,
         'e' => 'Non-fatal error' ,
         'f' => 'fatal error' ,
         'F' => 'Waiting on File Daemon' ,
         'j' => 'Waiting for job resource' ,
         'M' => 'Waiting for mount' ,
         'm' => 'Waiting for new media' ,
         'p' => 'Waiting for higher priority jobs to finish' ,
         'R' => 'Running' ,
         'S' => 'Scan' ,
         's' => 'Waiting for storage resource' ,
         'T' => 'Terminated normally' ,
         't' => 'Waiting for start time' ) ;
my @error_status = ( 'E', 'e', 'f') ;
my %jobs_status = ( 'Success' => 0 ,
                     'Warning' => 0 ,
             'Error'   => 0 ,
             'Other'   => 0 ) ;

sub print_help();
sub print_usage();
sub get_now();
sub get_date;

my $progname = basename($0);

         "H=s"   =>      \$opt_hours,    "hours=s"       => \$opt_hours,
         "j=s"   =>      \$opt_job,      "job=s"         =>      \$opt_job,
         "v"     =>      \$opt_verbose,  "verbose"       => \$opt_verbose,
         "h"     =>      \$opt_help,     "help"          =>      \$opt_help,
                                         "usage"         => \$opt_usage,
         "V"     =>      \$opt_version,  "version"       => \$opt_version
         ) || die "Try '$progname --help' for more information.\n";

sub print_help() {
   print_usage() ;

sub print_usage() {
  print "$progname [-H|--hours hours] [-j|--job partial_jobname] 
[-h|--help|--usage] [-v|--version]\n";
  print "    -H, --hours NN    Looking for jobs during last NN hours. 
Default is 24 hours.\n" ;
  print "    -j, --job name    Partial job name. Eg: 'web' will match 
'job_web1' and 'job_web2'\n" ;
  print "    -v, --verbose     Prints all jobs, even successfull.\n" ;
  print "    -h, --help\n" ;
  print "        --usage       Print this message\n" ;
  print "    -V, --version     Version of this script\n" ;
  print "\n";

sub get_now() {
  my $now  = defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : time;
  my $out = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X", localtime($now));

sub get_date {
  my $day = shift;
  my $now  = defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : time;
  my $new = $now - ((60*60*1) * $day);
  my $out = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X", localtime($new));
  return ($out);

sub display_row
   my @row = @_ ;
   $row[3] = $status{$row[3]} ;
   $row[4] = 'No of errors: ' . $row[4] ;
   print "@row\n" ;

if ($opt_help) {
  exit 0 ;

if ($opt_usage) {
  exit 0 ;

if ($opt_version) {
  print "$progname 0.0.1\n";
  exit 0 ;

  my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=bacula;host=localhost";
  my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die "Error 
connecting to: '$dsn': $DBI::errstr\n";

  if ($opt_hours)
   $date_stop = get_date($opt_hours);
    $date_stop = '1970-01-01 01:00:00';

  $date_start = get_now();

if ( "$opt_job" eq '' )
#  $sql = "SELECT Name,StartTime,EndTime,JobStatus,JobErrors from Job 
where (EndTime <> '') and ((EndTime <= '$date_start') and (EndTime >= 
   $sql = "SELECT Name,StartTime,EndTime,JobStatus,JobErrors from Job 
where (StartTime >= '$date_stop');";
#  $sql = "SELECT Name,StartTime,EndTime,JobStatus,JobErrors from Job 
where (Name like '%$opt_job%') and (JobStatus='T') and (EndTime <> '') 
and ((EndTime <= '$date_start') and (EndTime >= '$date_stop'));";
   $sql = "SELECT Name,StartTime,EndTime,JobStatus,JobErrors from Job 
where (StartTime >= '$date_stop') and (Name like '%$opt_job%');";

  my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die "Error preparing 

  LINE: while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
   # Checking termination status
   foreach my $code (@error_status) {
     if ( $code eq $row[3] )
       display_row(@row) ;
       $jobs_status{'Error'} ++;
       next LINE ;
   if ( $row[3] eq 'T')
     if ( $row[4] == 0 )
       $jobs_status{'Success'} ++ ;
       display_row(@row) if ($opt_verbose) ;
       $jobs_status{'Warning'} ++ ;
     next LINE ;
   $jobs_status{'Other'} ++ ;

  my $jobs_total = 0 ;
  foreach my $key (keys %jobs_status)
    $jobs_total += $jobs_status{$key} ;
print "\n" if ($jobs_total != $jobs_status{'Success'}) || $opt_verbose ;
print "For the past $opt_hours hours, Bacula found $jobs_total jobs";
print " (like %". $opt_job . "%)" if ( "$opt_job" ne '' );
print ":\n" ;
print "$jobs_status{'Success'} successfull jobs\n";
print "$jobs_status{'Warning'} jobs terminated with warning\n";
print "$jobs_status{'Error'} jobs in error\n";
print "$jobs_status{'Other'} jobs with other status\n";

Otherwise, you can use directives like RunScript, Run After Job, Run 
After Failed Job in the Job resource 
to send you an alert by email, launch a script...

I would recommend you not to try to check what Bacula has done, just 
check jobs termination status.

Maybe you should take a look at: 

Darryn Levitt a écrit :
> Hi all.
> I am new to bacula and and some help.
> Can some please give me an example of a job resource that I can use to 
> verify that the data written to a tape from a job is the same as what 
> was written to the tape?
> In other words, to verify that the files were successfully written to 
> the tape, and that what is on the tape, is exactly the same what is on 
> my hard disk?
> Any recommendations or comments?
> TIA.
> Darryn
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Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse - CRI
Tél. : +33 4 90 16 26 05

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