It was a couple of years ago I first brought this up. I guess you and I
are the only one who would find a cross-sd migration/copy useful. The
answer I got was "not likely unless you're paying for it", which is
certainly fair enough, but I also got the feeling that the idea wasn't
well received in general, and that it probably wouldn't be easy to
integrate into the main code base. I could be wrong of course.. In my
world it would be ideal if I could copy jobs (yes, like rsync) from one
SD to another during the day, with a bandwidth limit.
I'll have to give the idea of rsyncing disk volumes themselves another look
Berend Dekens wrote:
Hi all,
After trying the new beta's which hold Copy Jobs support I discovered
that a copy job (just like a migration job) can only transfer data from
one storage pool to another within *the same* storage daemon. Because I
wanted to use this for offsite backups this won't work for me.
I tried to get offsite backups by doing a local backup first to the
local SD and then another backup to the remote SD. This works fine when
backupping but when you need to recover data (and you are using
incrementals or differentials instead of full backups) the SD which you
told to perform the restore will most likely ask for backup volumes
which are part of the remote pool and remote SD. For some reason it
seems that bacula can't keep the pool data seperate so this way of
offsite backupping won't work (unless I missed an option somewhere).
I now came up with a new plan: the offsite location has its own Bacula
backup system with a seperate director and clients. The local bacula
shares the storage daemon of the remote system (making scheduling a tad
tricky to prevent 2 directors wanting to run jobs on the same SD). If I
let the remote director backup the local systems, the data is completely
offsite (including database) - giving me what I want.
The biggest problem here is redundancy: I need to configure both
directors for all clients (local and remote), all file sets used and add
new schedules. Besides that I reckon this would/should/could work - right?
Berend Dekens
P.S. Hasn't anybody created a graphical configuration program for bacula
yet? ^^
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