In the message dated: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 22:47:41 +0100,
The pithy ruminations from Jesper Krogh on 
<Re: [Bacula-users] Mixed Drives> were:
=> Alan Brown wrote:
=> > On Wed, 21 Jan 2009, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
=> > 
=> >> Media type is completely arbitrary. If you want the new drive to be able
=> >> to share media with the old drive, you should use the same media type.

Yes. When we replaced our LTO-2 changer with LTO-3 (keeping the LTO-2 media), I 
simply added the new LTO-3 tapes to pools with the "LTO-2" media type.


=> > This is something I raised at least 2-3 years ago. There's been no
=> > apparent interest in solving the issue and likely won't be until one of
=> > the developers encounters the problem.

I'd like to see that supported, but it's not critical...and there are probably 
a huge number of vendor-specific corner cases.

=> > 
=> > Supported media lists would have to cover r/w and ro support:
=> > 
=> > LTO drives are r/w compatible with the previous generation, but read only
=> > with the one before that.
=> > 
=> > ie: LTO4 can R/W LTO3 tapes, but only read LTO2 and can't read LTO1 at all.
=> > 
=> > (As far as I can tell these are _minimum_ specs for LTO. It's perfectly
=> > possible to exceed them and produce a LTO4 drive which can write LTO2 and
=> > read LTO1, but as far as I know no manufacturer has done that yet.

That's my understanding too.

AIT is a different story, with a well-defined compatability spec. That's the 
advantage when the hardware is made by just one company.

=> Sure about that?, the marketing material I've seen shows only read-only
=> capabillity one-generation back and write capabillity one generation, if
=> the tape was un-used before (never written before).

Nope. I've had no problem reading and re-writing LTO-2 media in LTO-3 drives. 
Of course, this is a small sample set for anyone to use as the basis for a 
purchase or for defining rules in software.


=> -- 
=> Jesper

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