Dan Langille wrote:
> James Harper wrote:
>>> Alan Brown wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 19 Jan 2009, Mag Gam wrote:
>>>>> "It comes in the night and sucks the essence from your computers."
>>>>> My manager would freak if she sees this...
>>>> Given that packages with equivalent functionality to Bacula run to
>> at
>>>> least $30k, why would she freak?
>>> Because many mangers, used to dealing with and fighting over budgets 7
>>> out of 8 hours a day, tend to equate cost with value.  They're used to
>>> paying more to
>>> get what they want, so assume that if they're not paying more,
>>> whatever they're getting must not be what they want.
>> I'm sure that if you asked him nicely, Kern would be quite willing to
>> charge you a price sufficiently high enough to make your manager happy
>> :)
> Don't tell Kern... I'll charge a better price.  ;)

In this context, that would mean at least double, right?

Frank Sweetser fs at wpi.edu  |  For every problem, there is a solution that
WPI Senior Network Engineer   |  is simple, elegant, and wrong. - HL Mencken
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