Bruno Friedmann wrote:
> Sorry this seems stupid but when I enter in a restore
> I use the choice 3 ( list of jobids )
> get my / rebuild
> If I issue a find *.bak it find and list all what I want to mark and restore 
> (recurse also)
> but giving  a
> mark *.bak give  0 file marked
> help say mark dir/file to be restored recursively, wildcards allowed
> if I manually go to a directory containing 2 or more .bak files and issue the
> mark *.bak it give me what I'm waiting for
> 2 files marked
> Any suggestion ?
> A try was given with a 2.2.6, 2.2.8, and 2.4.4 version

So after some try and errors here the how-to !

We want to restore some type of files for a determined client and we have 
define which jobid we need.
(you can always adjust what you need ..)

First we create a script for bconsole
called mybscript

9876,9877               <- this is the jobid or jobids
find *.log              <- the pattern searched
unmark *                <- be sure to have nothing marked
done                    <- close restore
quit                    <- exit bconsole

So we launch our script by issuing a

cat mybscript | bconsole > /tmp/my_file_searched
(you could use tail or what you want to have the output redirected ... )
Just check that the bacula dir user could cat this output file.

After we edit this file to cut all lines concerning bconsole message.
(if your log file is too big to be directly edited so can use head & tail to 
cut it cf to man)

After we launch the restore
echoing to bconsole or directly in bconsole (this will permit to change 
destination, level, runtime etc...)

restore client=YOUR-fd jobid=9876,9877 file=</tmp/my_file_searched

the rest is normal operation like describe in documentation

That's all folks.

This procedure is LGPL licenced. If one bacula's member who know how to edit 
the wiki can integrate it
( Perharps also in documentation as it could save time to other admin which 
would do same thing )

For future version if mark *.something work in recursive this how-to would 
become usefulness.


     Bruno Friedmann

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