Hello, I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction to troubleshoot this issue. I ran a backup earlier this evening and it ran w/out incident. Unfortunately I cannot "list" the files nor do a restore from w/in bconsole - it tells me no files exist.
Running bls against the volumes lists the files as expected. Relevant information posted below. Thanks in advance! Craig +++++ ================================================== Choose a query (1-18): 14 Enter JobId: 1953 No results to list. ================================================== ================================================== A restore attempt... Select item: (1-12): 3 Enter JobId(s), comma separated, to restore: 1953 You have selected the following JobId: 1953 Building directory tree for JobId 1953 ... There were no files inserted into the tree, so file selection is not possible.Most likely your retention policy pruned the files Do you want to restore all the files? (yes|no): ================================================== CLIENT JOBS +-------+--------+------------+-------+---------------------+----------+------ ---------+-------------------------+ | jobid | client | fileset | level | starttime | jobfiles | jobbytes | volumename | +-------+--------+------------+-------+---------------------+----------+------ ---------+-------------------------+ | 1,953 | w3 | w3_fs_gfs | F | 2009-01-19 19:30:12 | 76,947 | 5,176,062,979 | monthly-sd1-0001 | | 1,953 | w3 | w3_fs_gfs | F | 2009-01-19 19:30:12 | 76,947 | 5,176,062,979 | monthly-sd1-0002 | +-------+--------+------------+-------+---------------------+----------+------ ---------+-------------------------+ ================================================== VOLUME ATTRIBUTES +------+---------------+------------------+-----------+---------+------------- -+----------------+------------+-------------+ | slot | maxvolbytes | volcapacitybytes | volstatus | recycle | volretention | voluseduration | maxvoljobs | maxvolfiles | +------+---------------+------------------+-----------+---------+------------- -+----------------+------------+-------------+ | 0 | 4,250,000,000 | 0 | Full | 1 | 7,776,000 | 1,728,000 | 0 | 0 | | 0 | 4,250,000,000 | 0 | Append | 1 | 7,776,000 | 1,728,000 | 0 | 0 | +------+---------------+------------------+-----------+---------+------------- -+----------------+------------+-------------+ ================================================== 19-Jan 10:56 bac-dir1 JobId 1953: Job w3_gfs.2009-01-19_10.56.56 waiting 30813 seconds for scheduled start time. 19-Jan 19:30 bac-dir1 JobId 1953: BeforeJob: run command "/etc/bacula/checkhost.sh -v" 19-Jan 19:30 bac-dir1 JobId 1953: BeforeJob: Host is alive 19-Jan 19:30 bac-dir1 JobId 1953: BeforeJob: Bacula-FD listening on port 9102 19-Jan 19:30 bac-dir1 JobId 1953: BeforeJob: Returning value 0 19-Jan 19:30 bac-dir1 JobId 1953: Start Backup JobId 1953, Job=w3_gfs.2009-01-19_10.56.56 19-Jan 19:30 bac-dir1 JobId 1953: Using Device "bac-sd1" 19-Jan 19:30 w3-fd JobId 1953: ClientRunBeforeJob: run command "/etc/bacula/make_mysql_backup.sh" 19-Jan 19:30 w3-fd JobId 1953: ClientRunBeforeJob: Stopping httpd: [ OK ] 19-Jan 19:30 w3-fd JobId 1953: ClientRunBeforeJob: Starting httpd: [ OK ] 19-Jan 19:29 sd1 JobId 1953: Volume "monthly-sd1-0001" previously written, moving to end of data. 19-Jan 19:29 sd1 JobId 1953: Ready to append to end of Volume "monthly-sd1-0001" size=2726299876 19-Jan 19:29 sd1 JobId 1953: Spooling data ... 19-Jan 20:30 sd1 JobId 1953: Job write elapsed time = 01:00:54, Transfer rate = 1.419 M bytes/second 19-Jan 20:30 sd1 JobId 1953: Committing spooled data to Volume "monthly-sd1-0001". Despooling 5,195,265,715 bytes ... 19-Jan 20:31 w3-fd JobId 1953: ClientAfterJob: run command "/etc/bacula/delete_database_backup.sh" 19-Jan 20:31 sd1 JobId 1953: User defined maximum volume capacity 4,250,000,000 exceeded on device "bac-sd1" (/bacula-store). 19-Jan 20:31 sd1 JobId 1953: End of medium on Volume "monthly-sd1-0001" Bytes=4,249,944,213 Blocks=65,880 at 19-Jan-2009 20:31. 19-Jan 20:31 bac-dir1 JobId 1953: Created new Volume "monthly-sd1-0002" in catalog. 19-Jan 20:31 sd1 JobId 1953: Labeled new Volume "monthly-sd1-0002" on device "bac-sd1" (/bacula-store). 19-Jan 20:31 sd1 JobId 1953: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "monthly-sd1-0002" on device "bac-sd1" (/bacula-store) 19-Jan 20:31 sd1 JobId 1953: New volume "monthly-sd1-0002" mounted on device "bac-sd1" (/bacula-store) at 19-Jan-2009 20:31. 19-Jan 20:33 sd1 JobId 1953: Despooling elapsed time = 00:03:04, Transfer rate = 28.23 M bytes/second 19-Jan 20:33 sd1 JobId 1953: Sending spooled attrs to the Director. Despooling 23,037,873 bytes ... 19-Jan 20:34 bac-dir1 JobId 1953: Bacula bac-dir1 2.4.2 (26Jul08): 19-Jan-2009 20:34:27 Build OS: i686-redhat-linux-gnu redhat JobId: 1953 Job: w3_gfs.2009-01-19_10.56.56 Backup Level: Full Client: "w3" 2.4.2 (26Jul08) i686-redhat-linux-gnu,redhat, FileSet: "w3_fs_gfs" 2009-01-19 10:56:28 Pool: "monthly-sd1" (From Job FullPool override) Storage: "sd1" (From Job resource) Scheduled time: 19-Jan-2009 19:30:01 Start time: 19-Jan-2009 19:30:12 End time: 19-Jan-2009 20:34:27 Elapsed time: 1 hour 4 mins 15 secs Priority: 10 FD Files Written: 76,947 SD Files Written: 76,947 FD Bytes Written: 5,176,062,979 (5.176 GB) SD Bytes Written: 5,187,556,319 (5.187 GB) Rate: 1342.7 KB/s Software Compression: 29.0 % VSS: no Storage Encryption: no Volume name(s): monthly-sd1-0001|monthly-sd1-0002 Volume Session Id: 1 Volume Session Time: 1232376314 Last Volume Bytes: 3,670,655,384 (3.670 GB) Non-fatal FD errors: 0 SD Errors: 0 FD termination status: OK SD termination status: OK Termination: Backup OK 19-Jan 20:34 bac-dir1 JobId 1953: Begin pruning Jobs. 19-Jan 20:34 bac-dir1 JobId 1953: No Jobs found to prune. 19-Jan 20:34 bac-dir1 JobId 1953: Begin pruning Files. 19-Jan 20:34 bac-dir1 JobId 1953: No Files found to prune. 19-Jan 20:34 bac-dir1 JobId 1953: End auto prune. ================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This SF.net email is sponsored by: SourcForge Community SourceForge wants to tell your story. http://p.sf.net/sfu/sf-spreadtheword _______________________________________________ Bacula-users mailing list Bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bacula-users