> And also /dev/tty12 on my system is not a large file just a device node.
> jmd0 john # ls -al /dev/tty12 -al
> crw------- 1 root root 4, 12 Jan 13 08:09 /dev/tty12

One more comment about this.

Do you have console output when you hit  ctrl-alt-f12

if you do not I see the problem. The problem is that at some point you
did not have a /dev/tty12 and that syslog-ng is writing to a file
instead of sending the console messages to the console that you get
when pressing ctrl-alt-f12

To fix this.

stop syslog-ng

/etc/init.d/syslog-ng stop

jmd0 john # /etc/init.d/syslog-ng stop
syslog-ng         |* Stopping syslog-ng...

Then kill it to make sure it has quit (it did not on my system):
jmd0 john # pkill syslog-ng

then delete /dev/tty12
jmd0 john # rm /dev/tty12

Then create /dev/tty12 again
jmd0 john # mknod /dev/tty12 c 4 12

Then restart syslog-ng
jmd0 john # /etc/init.d/syslog-ng restart
syslog-ng         |* Starting syslog-ng...


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