Hi all!
I'm configuring a new backup server with Bacula (2.4.4) from sources.
I have three directories to be backed up.
/data-admin (~350GB)
/data-public (~250GB)
/data-old (~100GB)
I want to make a Full Backup for each directory to tape (LTO-3) the first
days of the month, and a Differential backup for all the changes in the
three directories in only one tape, that's it:
1 tape for /data-admin (1st monday of each month)
1 tape for /data-public (1st tuesday of each month)
1 tape for /data-old (1st wednesday of echa month)
1 tape (or more) for the Differential of the three directories. (all days
except weekends and the three days of Full Backups)
It's possible to mix this?
Francisco Javier Funes Nieto [esen...@gmail.com]
Servicios Informáticos para PYMES.
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