Cedric Gavage wrote:
> On 1/3/09 8:27 PM, Dan Langille wrote:
>> Cedric Gavage wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there a way to initiate the backup from client side?
>>> I have a special case where director is outside a lan... and it can't
>>> connect to client directly... but client can connect to director...
>>> Is it possible something like that? (without to add vpn solution).
>> No. The Director must be able to contact the FD. This is a given.
> Ok, thanks for the feedback...
> Is there an alternative with something like a central catalog outside 
> the lan... a director connected to it from internet for example, and one 
> from a LAN... this last director can connect all the FD from the LAN. In 
> this way, can we imagine to start a job concerning a FD in the LAN from 
> a console connected on the "internet" director which has an access to 
> the "central" catalog... I don't know if my sentence is clear for you ;)

It is not clear.  :)  The FD must be able to contact the SD, possibly 
not a problem.  But the FD also talks to the DIR and the DIR to the 
Catalog.  Sure, you can put a DIR on the same LAN as the FD.

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