
I'm trying to prepare a bacula installation (version 2.0.3 packaged from 
Redhat's EPEL repository) where I have several individual restore-only 
consoles. I'll need to be able to handle the situation where disjoint parts of 
the same bacula client filesystem are linked to each of their own restore 
console. Or the other way around, each restore console should be authorized to 
restore his own files in some sense.

First of all, I believe this is most easily achieved by segmentating each 
client's filesystem in as many (disjoint) FileSets as there will be restore 
consoles authorized to restore files. Is this correctly understood?

Secondly, how do I prevent the restore console to restore files outside "his 
own area" - i.e. how do I disallow the restore console to change the Where 
setting. I tried to achieve this first by not mentioning at all the WhereACL in 
my Console ressource - but only mentioning it in the restore job ressource. 
Since the client could specify it anyway (contrary to what I believe was 
claimed in the documentation) - I tried to explicitly list a directory in the 
WhereACL. Again, the client was allowed to specify his own target directory.

Thanks much for any help!

Best regards


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