Carlos Velasco wrote:
>> Robert Du Gaue wrote:
>>> I second this. Something like a LIMITBANDWIDTH keyword,
>>> specifically to prevent a link from being saturated. Either at the
>>> director level or storage level (too allow for links with dedicated
>>> nics full thru-put) Good suggestion.
>> There are many tools available to limit bandwidth.  We are a backup 
>> project.  Let's leave network throttling to other projects.  There
>> are many solutions, more than enough for each platform we support.
>> We don't have enough coders to manage the existing list of features
>> let along take on tasks that are clearly outside the scope of
>> backups.
> Maybe you are right, although IMHO I wouldn't say that shaping traffic
> in an application that is very bandwidth demanding is outside the scope
> of it.
> I think it would be a nice feature for a wishlist :)

Bandwidth management is a network issue, not an application issue, IMHO. 
  If we had developers with time on their hands, *perhaps* it would be 
feasible.  But we do not have such idle developers.

The problem with implementing things such as this: we then have to 
maintain them, fix bugs, deal with requests for tweaks and knobs. 
Sorry, no.  All that functionality has already been implemented in 
network management tools specific to your OS.  Why should we devote 
precious and very scarce resources to duplicate tools?  Please use the 
existing tools and let the Bacula project concentrate on what it does 
best: backups.


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