Ryan Novosielski schrieb:
> I was involved in a thread about 9 months ago that had to do with this.
> There was a lot of back and forth between another person on this list
> and me about what to do. It came down to indexes in the catalog database
> and making sure your database was configured properly [...]
> For specifics though, you should really check the archives. If you
> search my name, you'll probably turn something up.

Searching for your name produced almost two thousand hits =:-O but I
finally found the thread I think you were referring to:

  [Bacula-users] Why does dbcheck run forever, even with indexes?
  From: Ryan Novosielski <novos...@um...> - 2007-04-19 18:24

And indeed, adding the various indexes mentioned there fixed the
problem for me; dbcheck flies now.


PS: This list could really use a better archive. Searching the SF mail
archive is no fun at all, it takes ages to respond, and the message
display is next to unreadable.

Tilman Schmidt
Phoenix Software GmbH
Bonn, Germany

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