On Tue, Dec 09, 2008 at 09:26:38PM +0000, Allan Black wrote:
> Jason Dixon wrote:
>> Alas, I spoke too soon.  The CatalogBackup job failed again last night,
>> usual symptoms.
> OK. need to find out what the FD is doing. I would recommend:
> truss -o filename -f -a -e -v all -w 2 -p <FD pid>
> Is it possible to run the catalog backup during the day, by hand?
> That way you could avoid leaving the truss running (and collecting
> data) all night.

I've run it 6 times today, no failures yet.  Frustrating.  Here are the
results showing all the previous failures, then the successes today.

-bash-3.2$ echo 'list jobs' | sudo /opt/bacula/sbin/i386/bconsole | grep 
BackupCatalog | grep '| f '
|    60 | BackupCatalog            | 2008-11-08 00:36:12 | B    | F |          
1 |     965,869,568 | f         |
|   116 | BackupCatalog            | 2008-11-11 23:14:05 | B    | F |          
1 |     614,727,680 | f         |
|   286 | BackupCatalog            | 2008-11-22 23:14:28 | B    | F |          
1 |   5,278,400,512 | f         |
|   298 | BackupCatalog            | 2008-11-23 23:14:32 | B    | F |          
1 |   4,723,965,952 | f         |
|   336 | BackupCatalog            | 2008-11-26 23:14:30 | B    | F |          
1 |   3,979,280,384 | f         |
|   361 | BackupCatalog            | 2008-11-28 23:16:11 | B    | F |          
1 |   2,101,936,128 | f         |
|   385 | BackupCatalog            | 2008-11-30 23:13:21 | B    | F |          
1 |   3,863,216,128 | f         |

-bash-3.2$ echo 'list jobs' | sudo /opt/bacula/sbin/i386/bconsole | grep 
BackupCatalog | grep '2008-12-09'
|   486 | BackupCatalog            | 2008-12-09 16:46:51 | B    | F |          
1 |   3,183,911,677 | T         |
|   487 | BackupCatalog            | 2008-12-09 16:55:42 | B    | F |          
1 |   3,183,912,220 | T         |
|   488 | BackupCatalog            | 2008-12-09 17:03:22 | B    | F |          
1 |   3,183,912,724 | T         |
|   489 | BackupCatalog            | 2008-12-09 17:18:03 | B    | F |          
1 |   3,183,913,233 | T         |
|   490 | BackupCatalog            | 2008-12-09 17:23:26 | B    | F |          
1 |   3,183,913,740 | T         |
|   491 | BackupCatalog            | 2008-12-09 17:29:53 | B    | F |          
1 |   3,183,914,246 | T         |

Jason Dixon
OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.
443.325.1357 x.241

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