On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 8:48 PM, Jari Fredriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kern Sibbald put that version available, and I have tested it with couple 
> backups and a restore. All seems good.
> I you have a working version, do not upgrade without rigorous testing. 2.4.x 
> is broken (for DVD).
I just did a test and I was going to say that all was well for me:
29-Nov 22:26 jmd1-dir JobId 1197: Bacula jmd1-dir 2.4.2 (26Jul08):
29-Nov-2008 22:26:52
  Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu gentoo
  JobId:                  1197
  Job:                    vs_pdc.2008-11-29_21.11.03
  Backup Level:           Full (upgraded from Incremental)
  Client:                 "jmd1-fd" 2.4.2 (26Jul08) x86_64-pc-linux-gnu,gentoo,
  FileSet:                "vs_pdc-fs" 2007-08-24 23:59:16
  Pool:                   "Default" (From Job resource)
  Storage:                "DVD" (From user selection)
  Scheduled time:         29-Nov-2008 21:10:52
  Start time:             29-Nov-2008 21:11:10
  End time:               29-Nov-2008 22:26:52
  Elapsed time:           1 hour 15 mins 42 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       498,705
  SD Files Written:       498,705
  FD Bytes Written:       6,097,642,381 (6.097 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:       6,177,671,125 (6.177 GB)
  Rate:                   1342.5 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  VSS:                    no
  Storage Encryption:     no
  Volume name(s):         Volume-0021|Volume-0022
  Volume Session Id:      1
  Volume Session Time:    1227955392
  Last Volume Bytes:      671,122,021 (671.1 MB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK

29-Nov 22:26 jmd1-dir JobId 1197: Begin pruning Jobs.
29-Nov 22:26 jmd1-dir JobId 1197: No Jobs found to prune.
29-Nov 22:26 jmd1-dir JobId 1197: Begin pruning Files.
29-Nov 22:26 jmd1-dir JobId 1197: Pruned Files from 2 Jobs for client
jmd1-fd from catalog.
29-Nov 22:26 jmd1-dir JobId 1197: End auto prune.

29-Nov 22:26 jmd1-dir JobId 1197: message.c:481 Mail prog: bsmtp:
bsmtp.c:435 Fatal connect error to localhost: ERR=Connection refused
29-Nov 22:26 jmd1-dir JobId 1197: Error: message.c:492 Mail program
terminated in error.
CMD=/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f "(Bacula) [EMAIL PROTECTED]" -s
"Bacula: Backup OK of jmd1-fd Full" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ERR=Child exited with code 1
29-Nov 22:26 jmd1-dir JobId 1198: Start Backup JobId 1198,
29-Nov 22:26 jmd1-dir JobId 1198: Using Device "JMD1-DVD-WRITER"
29-Nov 22:26 jmd1-sd JobId 1198: Volume "Volume-0022" previously
written, moving to end of data.
29-Nov 22:26 jmd1-sd JobId 1198: Error: Bacula cannot write on DVD
Volume "Volume-0022" because: The sizes do not match!
Volume=1509971351 Catalog=671122021
29-Nov 22:26 jmd1-sd JobId 1198: Marking Volume "Volume-0022" in Error
in Catalog.
29-Nov 22:26 jmd1-dir JobId 1198: Created new Volume "Volume-0023" in catalog.
29-Nov 22:26 jmd1-sd JobId 1198: Please mount Volume "Volume-0023" or
label a new one for:
    Job:          MythTV.2008-11-29_22.26.07
    Storage:      "JMD1-DVD-WRITER" (/dev/dvd)
    Pool:         Default
    Media type:   DVD
29-Nov 22:26 jmd1-dir JobId 1198: Error: message.c:726 Operator mail
program terminated in error.
CMD=/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f "(Bacula) [EMAIL PROTECTED]" -s
"Bacula: Intervention needed for MythTV.2008-11-29_22.26.07"
ERR=Child exited with code 1

But then I see the problem. The second backup fails to continue
because of the Volume and Catalog mismatch. I see that the problem is
that the Catalog has the approximate size of the last part

# ls -al /mnt/dvd/
total 1474584
dr-xr-xr-x  2 root bacula      2048 Nov 29 22:24 .
drwxr-xr-x 19 root root         488 Oct 31 23:43 ..
-rw-r-----  1 root bacula 838849519 Nov 29 22:08 Volume-0022
-rw-r-----  1 root bacula 671121832 Nov 29 22:24 Volume-0022.2

The Volume= is the sum of the two parts.

Looks like this is the bug to me.


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