Eric Bollengier wrote:
> Le Friday 07 November 2008 14:36:46 Kern Sibbald, vous avez écrit :
>> On Friday 07 November 2008 13:19:45 Ralf Gross wrote:
>>> Kern Sibbald schrieb:
>>>> On Thursday 06 November 2008 22:47:41 Ralf Gross wrote:
>>>>> Alex Chekholko schrieb:
>>>>>> On Wed, 5 Nov 2008 16:12:51 +0100
>>>>>> Kern Sibbald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>> For writing to tape (providing it is LTO-n) I strongly recommend
>>>>>>> a block size not to exceed 256K.
>>>>>> Hi Kern,
>>>>>> Why do you say that?  Is this thread relevant?:
>>>>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg0
>>>>>> 12 46.h tml
>>>>>> Also, I would like to corroborate the OP's experiences; I had an
>>>>>> almost identical thread about small block size and slow write
>>>>>> speed:
>>>>>> In fact, I was unable to get higher block sizes working at all with
>>>>>> btape:
>>>>>> So I am still stuck at ~22MB/s writing to LTO-4 with the default
>>>>>> block size.
>>>>> I don't think that the blocksize is the problem. I did some tests but
>>>>> couldn't get higher results with larger blocksizes. I get 75-85 MB/s
>>>>> with the default bs and no additional tuning.
>>>> That is probably correct, but most likely only because you have a
>>>> bottleneck elsewhere -- probably in one of the points I mentioned.  The
>>>> speed is always capped by the slowest component. Once you remove the
>>>> other bottlenecks on your system, the blocksize will very likely become
>>>> the bottleneck and then you can measure the difference.
>>> I didn't want to compain, just show the org. poster that his 22 MB/s
>>> are likely not a bs issue.
>>> That being said, I started a thread on the user list a while ago where
>>> I aked what throughput people are getting when writing to tape. Nobody
>>> involved in this thread got higher numbers than 80-85 MB/s for a
>>> single job.
>> That is probably reasonable for one job, but if you are writing to an
>> LTO-2,3, or 4, we know that with multiple simultaneous jobs it is possible
>> to get write speeds of 150 MB/sec.
>> Kern
> This is with a good hardware compression rate, but it's a very good test, 
> IMHO, more than using random data to get only 80MB/sec. If you able to write 
> at 150MB/s, i'm pretty sure that you will be able to write at 80MB/s... Even 
> if your source file is made with a dd if=/dev/zero, your harddisk, your 
> network, your SCSI/SAS or whatever controler have to handle it like real 
> data.

I've done extensive throughput experiments on my Dell LTO4 and have 
never managed to get the advertised streaming-rate of 120MBytes/sec.
Even writing a stream ov zeros to the drive with hardware-compression 
turned on only gets me 100MBytes/sec.

All zeros without compression:
[root]# mt -f /dev/st0 compression 0
[root]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/nst0 bs=1000000 count=10000
10000000000 bytes (10 GB) copied, 107.498 seconds, 93.0 MB/s

All zeros with compression:
[root]# mt -f /dev/st0 compression 1
[root]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/nst0 bs=1000000 count=10000
10000000000 bytes (10 GB) copied, 100.147 seconds, 99.9 MB/s

gzip for comparison:

On a 1.6GHz Xeon box:
[root]# dd if=/dev/zero  bs=1000000 count=10000 | gzip -c | wc -c
10000000000 bytes (10 GB) copied, 135.79 seconds, 73.6 MB/s
gives a compression ratio of 1030:1

And on a 2.9GHz Xeon box:
[root]#  dd if=/dev/zero bs=1000000 count=10000 | gzip -c | wc -c
10000000000 bytes (10 GB) copied, 76.6102 seconds, 131 MB/s


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