On Mon, 3 Nov 2008, James Harper wrote:

> What I'd really like is some sort of tape validation job. Under Amanda
> (sorry :), I ran a script at 10am and 3pm which would email someone if
> there was no tape (usb disk actually) present, or if the disk would not
> be valid for tonights backup.

I wrote a perl script that queries the tape that is needed for the day. 
>From my code :

     query("select p.Name, VolumeName, LastWritten, VolStatus
           from Media m, Pool p
           where m.PoolId = p.PoolId
           and p.Name = \"" . $weekdays[$dow-1] . "Pool-Tape\"
           order by LastWritten;");

Next, I made a batch script:

wanted=`/usr/local/bacula/scripts/wanted.pl -t`
slots=`echo -e 'update slots\n3' | /usr/local/bacula/etc/bconsole`
echo ${slots} | egrep "$wanted" > /dev/null
if [ $? == 1 ] ; then
     i="I still did not find the volume '$wanted' in the tapedrive.
        Please load this tape in the tapedrive."
     echo "$i" | mail -s "Bacula Tape Request" <my-email>

so, if i forget to load a tape, I get a mail around 15:00 with the needed 


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