
Yes, the script I made works correctly. It dumps the database to a file

What I want to do is to backup MySQL database using bacula and fifo. I know
that is easy to dump first the database to a file and then backup that file
(I've tried this way and it works correctly), but I have not enough space to
dump a high database to a file. I read in Bacula manual that I can configure
the Bacula Storage defining a Device Resource with fifo. As I can read from

"In addition to a tape device name or a directory name, Bacula will accept
the name of a FIFO. If a FIFO device is specified for a backup operation,
you must have a program that reads what Bacula writes into the FIFO...with
the RunBeforeJob directive." And then I can see an example of a fifo device

So I configured a job with RunBeforeJob option specifying a script which
dumps the database to a fifofile. Then I create a new FileSet with
readfifo=yes because this option, "If enabled, tells the Client to read the
data on a backup and write the data on a restore to any FIFO (pipe) that is
explicitly mentioned in the FileSet. In this case, you must have a program
already running that writes into the FIFO for a backup or reads from the
FIFO on a restore". Moreover, I create a Storage named FifoStorage, that is
configured in Storage daemon.

I'm not sure if I'm doing things right, but I'm gonna explain you what is my
intention: When I run a backupMySQL, the scripts initiates the dump to a
fifofile while the client reads that file backing up the database whitout
using extra space.

Now, my question is: Do you mean that I have to define the fifo only in one
of the resource? Which will be a correct configuration? I'm confused about
all the documents I've read

Thank you

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Arno Lehmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: viernes, 31 de octubre de 2008 11:04
Para: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Asunto: Re: [Bacula-users] Storage daemon didn't accept Device


31.10.2008 10:27, Isabel Bermejo wrote:
> Hi
> I'm trying to backup MySQL database using bacula and a FifoStorage. First
> configure a script named "backwithfifo" which dumps the database.
> #!/bin/sh
> #
> exec > /dev/null
> SCRIPTDIR=/usr/bin
> mkfifo /tmp/tmpfifo
> ./mysqldump -h localhost -u root -pclipper iesa > /tmp/tmpfifo
> res=$?
> if (test $res -ne 0) then
>    logger -t mysql -isd ERROR Dump done with errors. Exit status $res
> else
>    logger -t mysql -isd OK Dump done with no errors. Exit status $res
> fi

I assume this works correctly.

> Then I modify Bacula files to run the backup, using the script, to a
> fifofile.
> In Bacula-Director file:
> Job {
>    Name = "BackupMySQL"
>    Type = Backup
>    Client = client-fd
>    FileSet = "MySQLdb"
>    Schedule = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup"
>    Storage = FifoStorage
>    Messages = Standard
>    Pool = MySQLPool
>    RunBeforeJob = "/etc/bacula/MyScripts/backwithfifo" #this is the script
> which dumps the database to a fifofile
>    Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/BackupMySQL.bsr"
> FileSet {
>    Name = "MySQLdb"
>    Include {
>       Options {
>          signature = MD5
>          readfifo = yes
>       }
>       File = /tmp/fifofiles
>    }
> }
> Storage {
>    Name = FifoStorage
>    Address = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
>    SDPort = 9103
>    Password = "password"
>    Device = FifoStorage
>    Media Type = Fifo
> }
> In Bacula-Storage file:
> Device {
>    Name = FifoStorage
>    Media Type = Fifo
>    Archive Device = /tmp/fifofiles

This is probably not what you want - the FIFO is read by the FD and
you've already set that up above.

Here, you need a normal storage device - either a tape drive or a disk
directory where the volumes will be written to. The SD doesn't need to
know anything about the FIFO setup.

>    Label Media = yes
>    Random Access = no
>    AutomaticMount = no
>    RemovableMedia = no
>    MaximumOpenWait = 60
>    AlwaysOpen = no

Those settings also look like you tried to set up a FIFO for storage -
you can do that, but is is in no way related to the FIFO where the
backed up data comes from.

You'd need a FIFO created on the SD, which would direct its output
somewhere else.

You probably should simply try this with a regular disk-based storage


> }
> When I run the backup job, it results on an error:
> 31-Oct 10:08 client-dir: RunBefore: mysql[28164]: Volcado realizado
> correctamente.Exit status 0
> 31-Oct 10:08 client-dir: No prior Full backup Job record found.
> 31-Oct 10:08 client-dir: No prior or suitable Full backup found. Doing
> backup.
> 31-Oct 10:08 client-dir: Start Backup JobId 10063,
> Job=BackupMySQL.2008-10-31_10.07.42
> 31-Oct 10:08 client-sd: BackupMySQL.2008-10-31_10.07.42 Fatal error:
>      Archive "FifoStorage" requested by DIR could not be opened or does
> exist.
> 31-Oct 10:08 client-dir: BackupMySQL.2008-10-31_10.07.42 Fatal error:
>      Storage daemon didn't accept Device "FifoStorage" because:
>      3925 Device "FifoStorage" could not be opened or does not exist.
> 31-Oct 10:08 client-dir: BackupMySQL.2008-10-31_10.07.42 Error: Bacula
> 1.36.3 (22Apr05): 31-Oct-2008 10:08:26
>   JobId:                  10063
>   Job:                    BackupMySQL.2008-10-31_10.07.42
>   Backup Level:           Full (upgraded from Incremental)
>   Client:                 client-fd
>   FileSet:                "MySQLdb" 2008-10-31 09:59:45
>   Pool:                   "MySQLPool"
>   Storage:                "FifoStorage"
>   Start time:             31-Oct-2008 10:07:44
>   End time:               31-Oct-2008 10:08:26
>   FD Files Written:       0
>   SD Files Written:       0
>   FD Bytes Written:       0
>   SD Bytes Written:       0
>   Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
>   Software Compression:   None
>   Volume name(s):
>   Volume Session Id:      2
>   Volume Session Time:    1225443462
>   Last Volume Bytes:      0
>   Non-fatal FD errors:    0
>   SD Errors:              0
>   FD termination status:
>   SD termination status:
>   Termination:            *** Backup Error ***
> As you can see, the error is "Storage daemon didn't accept Device
> FifoStorage because could not be opened or does not exist". I can see the
> file fifofile in /tmp/fifofile and I can do a cat but the Storage Daemon
> seems can't open the file. I don't know how to configure a backup job for
> database using fifo. Can anyone tell me where is the error?
> Thanks a lot
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Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann
Sandstr. 6, 49080 Osnabrück

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