> I have searched for Action in my httpd.conf, there was none present. I
> have searched in apache documentation, and the syntax you gave me seems
> to be correct. I have put it in my httpd.conf. I will restart the server
> tonight and tell you tomorrow if it worked.
> Le mardi 03 avril 2007 à 10:19 -0400, David Romerstein a écrit :
> > On Tue, 3 Apr 2007, Jérôme Massano wrote:
> > 
> > > I think the line "TypesConfig /etc/mime.types" means that I only have to
> > > modify the file /etc/mime.types, which is already done. Maybe I should
> > > uncomment the line about mime_magic ?
> > 
> > No, and no.
> > 
> > Search your httpd.conf for 'Action'. I believe you need to associate the 
> > MIME type 'text/brestore' with a specific handler script by adding the 
> > line 'Action text/brestore $PATH/$TO/brestore.pl' to your httpd.conf.
> > 
> > /etc/mime.types associates specific file extensions with specific MIME 
> > types (and, thus, to specific handlers), but there's no file extension in 
> > this case.
Hello, can we clear up this text a bit?
So I did:
1. debian:/etc/apache2# a2enmod actions 
   Module actions installed; run /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload to enable.
  Restarted Apache2.

2. vim /etc/mime.types
   added:  text/brestore      brestore.pl

3. vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf (apache2's httpd.conf)
   added:  Action text/brestore /var/www/cgi-bin/bweb/brestore.pl

4. Restarted Apache2.

In bweb I click on Jobs/Restore and the same annoying window pops up and asks
me to save bweb.pl or to open with any program.

My OS is Windows XP, viewing bweb with Mozilla.
My server's OS is Debian WITHOUT GTK. I don't want to install GTK and what I 
is that you don't even need Gtk to run brestore through bweb.

If I do the following:
debian:/etc/apache2# brestore.pl
I get:
Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:   at /usr/bin/brestore.pl line 3327.

and next:
debian:/# brestore.pl -b
DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'bacula.brestore_knownjobid' doesn't exist at 
/usr/bin/brestore.pl line 285.
DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'bacula.brestore_pathhierarchy' doesn't exist 
at /usr/bin/brestore.pl line 285.
DBD::mysql::db do failed: Table 'bacula.brestore_pathvisibility' doesn't exist 
at /usr/bin/brestore.pl line 285.
Creating brestore tables
Inserting path records for JobId 1
Creating missing recursion paths for 1
Recursively adding 1 records from 1
Recursively adding 1 records from 1
Recursively adding 1 records from 1
Recursively adding 1 records from 1
Inserting path records for JobId 2
Creating missing recursion paths for 2
Recursively adding 1 records from 2
Recursively adding 1 records from 2
Inserting path records for JobId 3
Creating missing recursion paths for 3
Recursively adding 1 records from 3
Recursively adding 1 records from 3
Recursively adding 1 records from 3
Inserting path records for JobId 4
Creating missing recursion paths for 4
Recursively adding 1 records from 4
Recursively adding 1 records from 4
Recursively adding 1 records from 4
Recursively adding 1 records from 4
Cleaning path visibility
0E0 rows affected
Cleaning known jobid
0E0 rows affected

Did anyone got this to actually work?

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