
How do people backup their subversion repositories?

I have a FSFS SVN repository that I'm looking to backup.  I'd
like to follow my usual routine of a couple of fulls a month and daily
incrementals.  I have read that this is possible as the filesystem laybe
allows increamental backups to be sensibly taken.  I have heard a few

1) JFDI (Just Do It): The svn repos can just be backed up nornally while
online without any major damange

2) SVNhotbackup: Use the svnhotbackup util to take a full

3) Stop SVN, rsync to a staging area and backup the staging area

I understand that 1 can be easy but occasionally messy, 2 destroys all
hope of taking increamental backups and 3 is a bit of a pita to setup.

What are people using for SVN backups and what do people recommend?


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