Hello all i am still having difficulty with retention periods and the like 
could someone kindly help me with this.

Basically for the local intranet i would like bacula to take a full back at the 
first of each month ie (October 1) then incremental each night until the first 
of the next month.  However I would like a separate volume for each month and 
would like to keep 2 months of volumes. Does this make sense?? how are other 
doing this?? I think it is safer to keep 2 volumes in case something goes wrong 
with the new one! ie the only existing volume gets pruned purged 
recycled/overwritten with a corrupt/incomplete backup or something!!

Here is my problem bacula is auto creating the volumes very nicely however the 
first volume gets marked as full hopefully this is due to the Volume Use 
Duration setting of 1 month. Is this correct? or should this get marked as 
used? did something else happen like a full harddisk? 

The second volume is getting marked as used still hoping this is due to the 
Volume Use Duration setting. However wondering why volume one is full and 
volume two is used? see below

Pool: PaulD-pool
| MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes       | VolFiles | 
VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType  | LastWritten         |
|      44 | PaulD-0044 | Full      |       1 |  9,442,414,325 |        2 |    
1,900,800 |       1 |    0 |         0 | PaulD-File | 2008-10-02 02:42:07 |
|      57 | PaulD-0057 | Used      |       1 | 24,748,595,769 |        5 |    
1,900,800 |       1 |    0 |         0 | PaulD-File | 2008-09-30 02:12:52 |

******HERE IS MY PROBLEM******

Bacula does not seem to be able to reuse the old volume and keeps giving me 
this error why does it not just recycle the first volume 44?? why is it calling 
57 the oldest volume??

08-Oct 05:30 miako-dir JobId 1817: Pruning oldest volume "PaulD-0057"
08-Oct 05:30 miako-sd JobId 1817: Job PaulD.2008-10-07_02.05.06 waiting. Cannot 
find any appendable volumes.
Please use the "label"  command to create a new Volume for:
    Storage:      "PaulD-sd" (/usr/local/backups)
    Pool:         PaulD-pool
    Media type:   PaulD-File

Here are the relative bits of my conf files
Client {
  Name = "PaulD"
  Address =
  FDPort = 9102
  Catalog = MyCatalog
  Password = "c0mputerking"
  File Retention = 1 months
  Job Retention = 1 months
  AutoPrune = yes

Storage {
  Name = PaulD-sd
  Address =
  Password = "c0mputerking"
  Device = "PaulD-sd"
  Media Type = PaulD-File

Pool {
  Name = "PaulD-pool"
  Pool Type = Backup
  LabelFormat = "PaulD-"
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 22 days
  Volume Use Duration = 1 months
  Maximum Volumes = 2
  Recycle Oldest Volume = YES

Device {
  Name = PaulD-sd
  Media Type = PaulD-File
  Archive Device = /usr/local/backups
  LabelMedia = yes;
  Random Access = Yes;
  AutomaticMount = yes;
  RemovableMedia = no;
  AlwaysOpen = no;

The client stuff is just for the database right?? i figured keep for 1 month 
should I be keeping for 2 months because of the 2 volumes? what if the jobs and 
files get erased after 1 month hmmm that would not be good would it? how could 
i restore from the older volume maybe it should be setting this to 3 months 
just in case?

I think i have the pool stuff right; create a volume retain it for 22 days ( my 
lucky number hehe and less then a month) and add to it for a month.  At the end 
of the month the volume should get marked as used/full? and the second volume 
is automatically created and added to for a month and be kept for 22 days. I am 
thinking by the time bacula adds to the second volume for a month the first one 
should be more than ready to be recycled.

what if i do not start the first backup at the 1st of the month? then things 
might get messy? PLEASE someone with a better concept of time help me.  

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