Vladimirs Vecgailis wrote:
> Hi all!
> Following situation:
> Server: Debian etch, bacula 2.2.6.
> The schedule for the jobs is:
> ######################
> Schedule {
>    Name = "MonthlyCycle"
>    Run = Level=Full FullPool=MonthlyBackups on 1 at 23:05
>    Run = Level=Full FullPool=WeeklyBackups sat at 23:05
>    Run = Level=Incremental IncrementalPool=DailyBackups 
> FullPool=WeeklyBackups mon-fri at 23:05
> }
> ######################
> What happens is, that the jobs on the every 1st of the month are done twice -
> Incremental backup to DailyPool (or Full to WeeklyPool, if the day is 
> saturday, as it i.e.
> was on the 2nd february this year) AND Full to MonthlyPool.
> How can my schedule be altered, so that i only get the Fulls to MontlyPool?
> Thanks in advance!
> Vladimirs.

Hm, solved on my own.

Seems that bacula understands multiple "on"-directives,
so the schedule is now:

Schedule {
   Name = "MonthlyCycle"
     Run = Level=Full FullPool=MonthlyBackups on 1 at 23:05
     Run = Level=Full FullPool=WeeklyBackups on sat on 2-31 at 23:05
     Run = Level=Incremental IncrementalPool=DailyBackups 
FullPool=WeeklyBackups on mon-fri on 2-31 at 23:05

Cheers/Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Vladimirs Vecgailis

Vladimirs Vecgailis
Colocation IT
primacall Vertriebs-GmbH
Postfach 08 04 55
10004 Berlin

Leipziger Str. 124
10117 Berlin

Phone   +49 30 206143 875
Web     http://www.primacall.de

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