Here's what you asked for minus the emails I configured and the passwords.

Configuration on Sat Feb 23 12:04:10 MST 2008:

  Host:                       i686-pc-linux-gnu -- redhat
  Bacula version:             2.2.8 (26 January 2008)
  Source code location:       .
  Install binaries:           /root/bacula/sbin
  Install config files:       /root/bacula/bin
  Scripts directory:          /root/bacula/bin
  Archive directory:
  Working directory:          /root/bacula/bin/working
  PID directory:              /root/bacula/bin/working
  Subsys directory:           /root/bacula/bin/working
  Man directory:              /root/bacula/bin
  Data directory:             /usr/share
  C Compiler:                 gcc 4.1.2
  C++ Compiler:               /usr/lib/ccache/g++ 4.1.2
  Compiler flags:              -g -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-exceptions
  Linker flags:
  Libraries:                  -lpthread
  Statically Linked Tools:    no
  Statically Linked FD:       no
  Statically Linked SD:       no
  Statically Linked DIR:      no
  Statically Linked CONS:     no
  Database type:              MySQL
  Database lib:               -L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient_r -lz
  Database name:              bacula
  Database user:              bacula

  Director Port:              9101
  File daemon Port:           9102
  Storage daemon Port:        9103

  Director User:              bacula
  Director Group:             bacula
  Storage Daemon User:        bacula
  Storage DaemonGroup:        bacula
  File Daemon User:           bacula
  File Daemon Group:          bacula

  SQL binaries Directory      /usr/bin

  Large file support:         yes
  Bacula conio support:       yes -lcurses
  readline support:           no
  TCP Wrappers support:       no
  TLS support:                no
  Encryption support:         no
  ZLIB support:               yes
  enable-smartalloc:          yes
  bat support:                no
  enable-gnome:               yes Version 2.x
  enable-bwx-console:         no
  enable-tray-monitor:        yes
  client-only:                no
  build-dird:                 yes
  build-stored:               yes
  ACL support:                yes
  Python support:             no
  Batch insert enabled:       yes

I also did a bit of tweaking and changed the sbindir and the sysconfigdir.
I rebuilt and no difference.

I still see the /sbin/bconsole
I still see the /root/bacula/bin/bconsole
I ran the /sbin/bconsole -c /root/bacula/bin/bconsole.conf.
Not properly install.  I'm just about done with bacula if I can't get it to
work within my environment....

Message: 16
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 12:31:44 GMT
From: Martin Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula Console Not installed properly

>>>>> On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 22:09:54 -0700, Glen Vickers said:
> K I think I might have read the strace wrong.
> I found the correct bconsole located at /sbin/bconsole and did the
> /sbin/bconsole -c /root/bacula/bin/bconsole.conf
> Same message.

The message "bconsole not properly installed" means that you are running the
bconsole shell script, but somehow it cannot find the bconsole executable.

It looks like you have configured Bacula with sbindir and sysconfdir set to
the same directory.  Am I correct?  That setting works for me, but running
make install will still install both bconsole files: the first install is
script and the second is the executable.

What is the output of make install for you?


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