
15.02.2008 11:37, Roberto Nebot wrote:
> Hello folks!
> I received the following error from gacula running a job and I can not
> understand what it's happening here. Could anyone tell me some ideas
> about what is happening here?
> 15-feb 10:54 fw1-dir JobId 313: Start Backup JobId 313,
> Job=pruebas.2008-02-15_10.54.51
> 15-feb 10:54 fw1-dir JobId 313: Using Device "FileStorage"
> 15-feb 10:54 fw1-sd JobId 313: End of Volume "Full-0031" at 0:0 on
> device "FileStorage" (/misc/bacula). Write of 204 bytes got -1.

Disk full, perhaps?


> 15-feb 10:54 fw1-sd JobId 313: Warning: Director wanted Volume
> "Full-0031".
>     Current Volume "" not acceptable because:
>     1998 Volume "" status is , not in Pool.
> 15-feb 10:54 fw1-dir JobId 313: There are no more Jobs associated with
> Volume "Full-0031". Marking it purged.
> 15-feb 10:54 fw1-dir JobId 313: All records pruned from Volume
> "Full-0031"; marking it "Purged"
> 15-feb 10:54 fw1-dir JobId 313: Recycled volume "Full-0031"
> 15-feb 10:54 fw1-sd JobId 313: Please mount Volume "Full-0031" or label
> a new one for:
>     Job:          pruebas.2008-02-15_10.54.51
>     Storage:      "FileStorage" (/misc/bacula)
>     Pool:         Full-Pool
>     Media type:   File
> Thanks in advance
> Roberto
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Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann

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