K. M. Peterson wrote:
> Hi all,
> New installation of Bacula, and I'm a new user; I apologize if there's 
> something that I overlooked.
> Bacula is installed in testing mode on Open SUSE 10.2.  Version is 
> 2.2.8.  The device is a Quantum SuperLoader3 with one DLT-S4 tape drive.
> I ran btape - test and it worked fine, and I continued to the 
> autochanger test.  That also passed without error.  Then I went to run 
> btape - fill and that is where I ran into some problems.  It appeared to 
> me to work okay, but there was an error writing to the second volume 
> (apparently trying to label?); then the second volume was apparently 
> written properly, the first volume remounted, and the last block on the 
> first volume didn't read.  Here's the transcript:
> 00:18:28 Flush block, write EOF
> Wrote blk_block=12580000, dev_blk_num=4000 VolBytes=811,560,895,488 
> rate=45804.3 KB/s
> Wrote blk_block=12585000, dev_blk_num=9000 VolBytes=811,883,455,488 
> rate=45807.0 KB/s
> Wrote blk_block=12590000, dev_blk_num=14000 VolBytes=812,206,015,488 
> rate=45812.3 KB/s
> 11-Feb 00:18 btape JobId 0: End of Volume "TestVolume1" at 1181:1 on 
> device "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0). Write of 64512 bytes got -1.
> 11-Feb 00:19 btape JobId 0: Re-read of last block succeeded.
> btape: btape.c:2349 Last block at: 1180:15500 this_dev_block_num=1
> btape: btape.c:2383 End of tape 1181:0. VolumeCapacity=812,302,848,000. 
> Write rate = 45748.1 KB/s
> 11-Feb 00:19 btape JobId 0: End of medium on Volume "TestVolume1" 
> Bytes=812,302,848,000 Blocks=12,591,500 at 11-Feb-2008 00:19.
> 11-Feb 00:19 btape JobId 0: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 1, 
> drive 0" command.
> 11-Feb 00:20 btape JobId 0: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 2, drive 
> 0" command.
> 11-Feb 00:22 btape JobId 0: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 2, drive 0", 
> status is OK.
> 11-Feb 00:22 btape JobId 0: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" 
> command.
> 11-Feb 00:22 btape JobId 0: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result 
> is Slot 2.
> 11-Feb 00:22 btape: Fatal Error at dev.c:1651 because:
> dev.c:1650 Attempt to WEOF on non-appendable Volume
> 11-Feb 00:22 btape JobId 0: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" 
> command.
> 11-Feb 00:22 btape JobId 0: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result 
> is Slot 2.
> Wrote Volume label for volume "TestVolume2".
> 11-Feb 00:23 btape JobId 0: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume 
> "TestVolume2" on device "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0)
> 11-Feb 00:23 btape JobId 0: New volume "TestVolume2" mounted on device 
> "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0) at 11-Feb-2008 00:23.
> Done writing 0 records ...
> Wrote End of Session label.
> Wrote state file last_block_num1=15500 last_block_num2=11
> 00:23:19 Done filling tapes at 0:13. Now beginning re-read of first tape ...
> 11-Feb 00:23 btape JobId 0: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 2, 
> drive 0" command.
> 11-Feb 00:24 btape JobId 0: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 1, drive 
> 0" command.
> 11-Feb 00:25 btape JobId 0: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 1, drive 0", 
> status is OK.
> 11-Feb 00:25 btape JobId 0: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" 
> command.
> 11-Feb 00:25 btape JobId 0: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result 
> is Slot 1.
> 11-Feb 00:25 btape JobId 0: Ready to read from volume "TestVolume1" on 
> device "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0).
> Rewinding.
> Reading the first 10000 records from 0:0.
> 10000 records read now at 1:5084
> Reposition from 1:5084 to 1180:15500
> Reading block 15500.
> Error reading block: ERR=block.c:1008 Read zero bytes at 1180:0 on 
> device "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0).

Have you tried a different tape as the second tape?

Dan Langille

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