Arno Lehmann schrieb:
> Hi,

Hi :)
Thanks for answering!

> Ok, just to make sure I understand correctly: You back up to file volumes?
Exactly. Diskspace is getting way too cheap ;-)

>> Now my question is, how would you accomplish this?
> rsync.
Feel's good to hear rsync twice, because this is what I suggested in
first place, just felt "too simple".

> Not necessarily. You can implement something where you dump the 
> catalog for the catalog backup (which you probably already do) but, 
> instead of deleting that database dump, you keep it.
> Now, in case of a serious problem in Bacula or your catalog database, 
> after a days backups you have the complete set of data you need to 
> create a new Bacula instance, with all the existing data.
> If you rsync that whole file set (which would best include your 
> configuration files, bootstrap files, and source code of the Bacula 
> you're running, along with the ./configure line) to your other two 
> sites, you should have what you want:
> The ability to quickly set up a new Bacula instance with all the data 
> from the original one.
Yes, It sounds like this is the easiest way.

> In case you only lose your volumes and need to access them, it should 
> be easily possible to either copy the remote volumes to the local 
> site, or even access them remotely.
Right although it should be hard enough to lose a RAID 6, but as I said,
we're talking paranoia here.

>> Plus I don't feel comfortable to
>>  encapsulate the File-Tapes.
> No need to do that, as you can recreate the existing file structure 
> easily.
>> Would that become a problem? As far as I
>> see it, I wouldn't be able to restore client-based. I'd have to restore
>> a whole tape, and this way, restore all clients backup on ServerA.
> Erm... no. Unless you're talking about bextract without a bootstrap 
> file. Bootstrap files are important :-)
I was talking about overwriting the tape file, which includes multiple
clients backup.

>> Not
>> great, but hey, If my whole live-datacenter gets destroyed, this sounds
>> like a reasonable kind of work.
>> I see another option, which would be to just copy the files via nfs or
>> iSCSI, or something, which I actually would prefer, because it would
>> work without encapsulation. I'd end up with a "dumb" backup, with which
>> I would be able to restore my original director by hand.
> Yup, that's close to what I suggested, but rsync is a useful tool here 
> as it will not blindly copy unmodified files each time.
>> Remarks? What do you think? Did I miss something? It doesn't sound great
>> to me, but would work, as far as my (limited) knowledge goes.
> Well, the source code, configuration files, and everything else you 
> need to set up a new Bacula instance.
A little embarrassing for me, but I am using Ubuntu's 2.0.3 packages, so
no need for that :-(
I was close to switching to source code, but in april I'll have 2.2.6
with Ubuntu Hardy. So laziness wins, the packages are actually compiled
very well.

> If you want to set up a second, emergency, DIR things are only a tiny 
> bit more complicated: I'd do that by setting up a slave catalog 
> database remotely, install and test a Bacula DIR and SD there, sync 
> the volumes and configuration, and only start the DIR and SD when 
> necessary, i.e. when your primary site fails and when you do your 
> routine test (which you run, hopefully :-) The catalog, in such a 
> scenario, should always be up to date without the need to transfer 
> whole dumps continously.
Another quite apealing option. I'll have to consider this in quiet moment.

>> 2.) Backup using a second director, so "split" the backup.
>> Each of the above mentioned backup servers is going to be a full bacula
>> install anyway (because it will act as the backupserver for the site it
>> is located at), so I could use it.
> Well, that makes things more interesting... basically, I'd recommend 
> to only rune on DIR as it keeps the setup much easier to manage.
> If, for example due to strict separation between the facilities, you 
> have to run several DIRs, I'd simply multiply my primary layout, i.e. 
> treat all the DIRs as independent instances.
> You can, though, have SDs local at the facilities and would need only 
> a bit of thought and planning to be able to move the volumes around, 
> in case of an emergency.
>> I could, let's say, do a weekly full
>> backup directly to the other server. This way it wouldn't be any kind of
>> "hand work", but I'd split up my backup, and double my configuration
>> (actually it would be times three, for 3 servers), because all servers
>> need the client configuration, and all client's need to know the 3 servers.
>> 3.) Clone the backup servers
>> This is an option I pretty much dismissed already. While it would make
>> sure that I have a fully working backup system,it conflicts with the
>> idea of each backupserver being master for it's site, and only copying
>> *some* but not *all* client's backup.
>> A slightly modified version of this would be to use 3 directors and
>> storage demons on each box, having a clone of each dir and sd on each
>> machine. Still not very much appealing.
> I'd do it with one DIR, three SDs, and two standby/emergency DIRs with 
> slave catalog DBs.

Yes I'm really tempted to follow that advice. I'll have to look into
some issues regarding the networking (sd + dir will be using RFC1918
addresses, but the servers will be spread over different AS), but it
still looks like the best solution to my problem.

>> I'm not sure, if I have to be able to restore easily from all servers
>> but the original box. I mean, the backup is really just for bad bad
>> baaaaad situations, not for everyday use. But if there is an option that
>> would include an easy restore, hey, you have my attention!
> Ok... just make sure that your client addresses work across all three 
> sites, and you have the SD setups you'll need. In case one SD is lost, 
> and you need to restore its data, just change the address it is known 
> under in the DIR configuration and you're ready. Sound's good, right?
> ;-)
>> So, bottom line is - I can't figure out how I can manage this, I need
>> some ideas, so please, dear list, fill my brain with ideas that will
>> give me a murder headache for a bunch of days!
> Actually, I hope this was clear enough to not push you into a headache :-)
Yes, thank you! :-)

I really have to thank you and Dan again!
I was talking to a colleague of mine this afternoon, telling him I was
going to ask the mailing list about this issue. And I told him about
these two bacula experts that are extremely active on the list, from
whom I hoped to receive an answer.

You may guess who I was talking about ;-)

Thanks a bunch! You guys rock!


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