>>>>> On Wed, 6 Feb 2008 22:20:25 +0100, Thomas Mohr said:
> Dear People,
> at first an apology if that has been already answered, but I have researched 
> Web, Mailing lists etc, but to no avail.
> My problem is as follows:
> I want to back up the "Documents" directory of the home directoris of the 
> users. The basic structure is:
> /home/username/Documents
> In accordance to the manual, I constricted following fileset:
> Fileset {
>       Name = "documents"
>       Include {
> # include the Documents Subdirectory
>               Options {
>                       signature = MD5
>                       compress = GZIP9
>                       wilddir = "/home/*/Documents"
>               }
> # exclude everything else
>               Options {
>                       RegExDir = ".*"
>                       Exclude = yes
>               }
>               File = /home
>               }
> }
> With this Fileset all files are excluded

The problem is that bacula finds the files by walking over the directory
structure, using the exclude options to prune the walk.  In your example
above, it prunes /home/foo before it finds /home/foo/Documents.

> If the wilddir is replaced by
> wilddir = "/home/t*"
> then all user directories beginning with t are backed up
> bwild matches /home/*/Documents with /home/username/Documents
> what am I doing wrong ?

You need to make it match /home/* as well.  Something like this might work:

Options {
 signature = MD5
 compress = GZIP9
 # include the Documents dirs themselves
 wilddir = "/home/*/Documents"
 # include everything in the Documents dirs
 wild    = "/home/*/Documents/*"
 # include all dirs directly in /home so Documents dirs are reached
 wilddir = "/home/*"
Options {
 # exclude everything else in the dirs under /home
 wild = "/home/*/*"
 Exclude = yes

You could also do it with a File clause that finds the Documents dirs each
time, e.g.

File = "\\|ls -1d /home/*/Documents"


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