Hi Arno,

thanks for your answer.

On 28.01.2008 00:29, Arno Lehmann wrote:
[...] I prefer to do it like this:

- Define a pool for full backups (in your case, for the monthly fulls to go to the vault). - After the scheduled jobs run, make sure all the volumes just used are no longer appendable. This can be achieved by setting a limited volume use time and forcing Bacula to consider the pool in questio n when looking for usable volumes, by using the bconsole command 'update volume', or accessong the catalog database directly. Basically, what I'm usually doing is using a script that looks for volumes loaded in the autochanger, which were used recently, and are in status "Append" and set those to "Used".
- Then, just unload all the volumes from that pool and store them safely.

So would the following pool definition:

Pool {
  Name = Monthly
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Use Duration = 8h
  Volume Retention = 360 days

be enough, or do I need some script on top of that?

Loading the next usable volumes is rather straightforward done manually... Just select the next set uf tapes, and load them to the autochanger. If you've ensured the retention periods are set up correctly (i.e., less than a year - 11 months should be ok) the volumes usable will automatically be chosen when the next jobs are running.

I don't have an autochanger. Our full backups still fit on one tape.
(Lucky, aren't we?) So I translate this for my purposes to: "Just
insert the next month's tape at the appropriate time and Bacula will
use it." Correct?

The most important thing, in my opinion, is not to rely on volume names but rather to use Baculas front-end to select which volumes to use.

That's ok. It's just that when Bacula sends its mail "please insert
tape X" it's too late, the operator has gone home. I need a way to
anticipate which tape Bacula will ask for, so it can be inserted
ahead of time while there's still someone working. With our old backup
system, we had a simple static paper calendar telling the operator
which tape to insert each day. Now Bacula decides dynamically which
tape it wants next, so I need a way for it to tell our operator which
one it will be.

Choosing the volumes to load would then only require a catalog query which prints the volume names of the volumes from the relavnt pool which were written to 11 months or more ago, or, more useful, the ones that will be out of their retention time at the next backup runs.

I must admit I wouldn't know how to do that. Where do I find information
writing catalog queries? Can they be scripted, so I can set up a cron
job sending my operator a daily mail "insert tape X"?


Tilman Schmidt
Abteilungsleiter Technik
Phoenix Software GmbH                             www.phoenixsoftware.de
53227 Bonn, Germany                            Amtsgericht Bonn HRB 2934

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