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Ciprian Marius Vizitiu wrote:
> tomasz dereszynski wrote:
>> Ciprian Marius Vizitiu wrote:
>>> Hi listers,
>>> I have a strange firewall problem with Bacula 2.2.6 running on RHEL4 
>>> [...] 
>>> 18:32:01.504760 IP server.gbif.org.9103 > client.gbif.org.32776: P 
>>> 1560794395:1560794427(32) ack 1414218623 win 181 <nop,nop,timestamp 
>>> 4070418385 22509939>
>>> 18:32:01.504801 IP client.gbif.org > server.gbif.org: icmp 92: host 
>>> client.gbif.org unreachable - admin prohibited
>>> 18:32:01.505214 IP server.gbif.org.9103 > client.gbif.org.32776: . 
>>> 32:1480(1448) ack 1 win 181 <nop,nop,timestamp 4070418386 22509939>
>>> 18:32:01.505231 IP client.gbif.org > server.gbif.org: icmp 556: host 
>>> client.gbif.org unreachable - admin prohibited
>>> 18:32:01.505236 IP server.gbif.org.9103 > client.gbif.org.32776: . 
>>> 1480:2928(1448) ack 1 win 181 <nop,nop,timestamp 4070418386 22509939>
>>> 18:32:01.505249 IP client.gbif.org > server.gbif.org: icmp 556: host 
>>> client.gbif.org unreachable - admin prohibited
>>> To me it looks like the essence of the problem is the fact that the 
>>> restore session has a long "network idle" period and somehow the RELATED 
>>> mechanism of the firewall no longer works. WHY would this happen? And 
>>> more important, isn't this what HeartBeat was supposed to prevent in the 
>>> first place? One more detail: if the client is RHEL5 everything works 
>>> perfectly.
>> not sure fo 100% but looks a bit like TCP TTL
>> dont think FW will wait that long and it has nothing to do with heartbeat.
>> will say/guess as your FW treat it as session closed or timed out cos of
>> idle time
>> check if you can manage TTL for TCP on FW.
> Hi Tomasz,
> First, there was an obvious mistake in my original message: things 
> happen with the firewalls started. o:-)

guessed that.
> I'm confident that the problem is on the client RHEL4 firewall. A 
> *silly* :-) workaround would be to add
> -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p tcp -s --sport 9101:9103 -j ACCEPT
what means you dont have/need TCP TTL

> ... on the client; problem fixed so far. But again, this is not supposed 
> to happen. And further more, stepping back (and closer to my original 
> configuration), the following config works:
> CentOS5 Server ---> RHEL4 firewall with "RELATED" ---> RHEL5 client
> Which might mean the bug's not necessarily in the firewall code or the 
> timeout would have shown up as a consequence of passing the traffic 
> through a "buggy" firewall wouldn't it?

timeout isnt a bug
> Before anyone asks, I've also looked in the Cisco console for strange 
> things happening to any of the interfaces implicated: "0 errors"
i do not claim as i am 100% right  but in such a scenario you will not
see any errors on firewall or router/anything as it isnt error in this
terms. just timeout.

- --
bEsT rEgArDs            |       "Confidence is what you have before you
tomasz dereszynski      |       understand the problem." -- Woody Allen
Spes confisa Deo        |       "In theory, theory and practice are much
numquam confusa recedit |       the same. In practice they are very
                        |       different." -- Albert Einstein

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