I am also trying to compile it on AIX 5.3 and I am not having any luck.
I would like to replace our veritas netbackup system with bacula. I was
able to make it work on Linux and Windows, but if I cannot make it work
on AIX 5.3 and HP-UX 10 I cannot use it. I have not yet tried it on
HP-UX, it will be next if I am able to compile it on AIX.

--- Dimitri Puzin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a huge project integrating bacula into an multi-OS environment
> at
> a big company here in germany (few 100s of servers). So far i've got
> windows/linux/solaris fds up and running here.
> Do anybody of you have tried building/running bacula-fd on HP-UX
> (10..11) and AIX (5.x)? Do any pre-built binaries for these OSes
> exist?
> I'd be interested in exchange of some experience running the fd on
> these
> OSes.
> Thanks,
> -Dimitri Puzin aka Tristan-777
> >
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