Kern Sibbald wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 January 2008 15:30, Christian Sabelmann wrote:
>> Hello, I've a question about the Verify Job and depending on the answer
>> I have a sort of feature request....
>> 1.: The Verify Job VolumeToCatalog should compare the File Attributes
>> stored on the volumes with the File attributes stored in the Catalog.
>>    A very important part of the File Attributes are the checksum or the
>> MD5....
>>   When I run a verify job volumeToCatalog I would not expect from bacula
>> to read the MD5 Attribut from the volume and compare with the Catalog,
>> BUT to read the Data from the Volume, build the MD5 hash "on the fly"
>> and compare the result with the MD5 of the Catalog.
>> Can some one confirm if this is the way how the verify job works???
> Yes, that is exactly what the manual says and what is implemented.
>> 2.: The Verify Job is becoming more important everyday, but even if
>> recommended, it is not always possible, or not always desired, to run a
>> verify Job just after the last backup Job.  I know that the verify Job
>> only works with the last Backup Job, it does not matter if it was a Full
>> or Incremental Backup.
>> It should be possible to run Verify Jobs for backup Jobs older than the
>> last one.  For example:
>> I do a Backup of a system everyday.
>> Mon: Full
>> Tue - Fri: Incremental.
>> Now for example it could happen that the last incremental backup on
>> Friday is 0 because nothing changed from Thursday to Friday, it is ok,
>> fine.  But now if I wanted to verify the Files I was backing up the
>> whole week, then naturally the verify Job will just check the last Job,
>> and for the bad luck there isn't gonna be nothing to check since the
>> last Job had nothing to back up, thus the verify job ends with OK but
>> nothing was checked.  Still this behavior is totally accepted since its
>> supposed to check only the last job.
>> Some other user reported a bug where the verify job started checking the
>> files of the Job prior to the last one, bug or not, it was related to
>> the time the Jobs were started and finished.  It does not matter.  So it
>> seems that the verify Job is not really fixed to the las Job executed,
>> the verify just selects the last job, using some sql queries right??? 
> Yes.
>> I 
>> think it is just programmed to work that way, so I think, it not so hard
>> to expand the way it works, letting the user decide which Job should
>> really be verified or which volume... (AS LONG AS THE REQUIRED FILE
>> I know many user are slowly adapting the way they back up systems to run
>> automatically a verify job after backing up, but, is it the only way to
>> do it???
> Yes as currently implemented.
>> changing the verify behaviour could make things a little bit easier of
>> even more flexible for those who does not verify jobs Everyday.....
>> I hope you can follow me.
>> returning to the example above, if wanted to verify everything I backed
>> up during the week, then since the verify Job only verifies the
>> incremental backup of friday, I would be force to restore the files
>> myself and do a check my self, .... Does it have to be this way???
>> please help...
> As you mentioned above, this is really a Feature Request.
> Please see: -> Feature Request   for how to submit a 
> feature request.
> Regards,
> Kern

Also hier the official Request:

Item n?: Expand the Verify Job capability to verify Jobs older than the 
last one. For VolumeToCatalog Jobs
Date: 17 Januar 2008
Origin: Hamburg, Germany.
Contact: Christian Sabelmann
Status: 70% of the required Code is part of the Verify function since v. 2.x

The ability to tell Bacula which Job should verify instead of 
automatically verify just the last one.

It is sad that such a powerfull feature like Verify Jobs 
(VolumeToCatalog) is restricted to be used only with the last backup Job 
of a client. Actual users who have to do daily Backups are forced to 
also do daily Verify Jobs in order to take advantage of this useful 
feature.  This Daily Verify after Backup conduct is not always desired 
and Verify Jobs have to be sometimes scheduled. (Not necessarily 
scheduled in Bacula). With this feature Admins can verify Jobs once a 
Week or less per month, selecting the Jobs they want to verify.  This 
feature is also not to difficult to implement taking in account older 
bug reports about this feature and the selection of the Job to be verified.
Notes: For the verify Job, the user could select the Job to be verified 
from a List of the latest Jobs of a client. It would also be possible to 
verify a certain volume.  All of these would naturaly apply only for 
Jobs whose file information are still in the catalog.

I hope this description is clear enough to be valid.  If not, tell me, I 
can try to write it again differently.  Sorry my english expressions are 
also limited.

Christian Sabelmann
Tel.: 040/398053-20
Fax: 040/398053-29
Stresemannstr. 375
22761 Hamburg
HRB 79850 (Amtsgericht Hamburg)
Geschäftsführer: Knud Alex Müller, Henning Voss, Niclas Schroeder

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