OK, I finally figured out where I went wrong with this. Bat is now
working correctly. Apparently, the problem had something to do with
missing X11 components on my system (dependency info incorrect in some
package?). After performing a yum groupinstall "X Window System",
everything just worked. I don't know what component in that group fixed
the problem, but at least it is fixed! To any others out there running
Bacula on a stripped-down (Base), headless CentOS5 installation, make
sure that you install the "X Window System" group in order for Bat to
Thanks to all of those who helped me with this problem!
Greg Miller wrote:
Ryan Novosielski wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Greg Miller wrote:
Hi everyone!
I have an issue with Bat that I hope someone has an answer to.
CentOS 5 x86_64
Bacula 2.2.7-1 (installed from fschwarz RPMS on Sourceforge)
QT4 4.2.1-1
QWT 5.0.2-5
All components installed via Yum (should have taken care of all
dependencies?). This server was set up as a "base" server without X or
anything else on it originally. Then, all dependencies were loaded by
Yum. The server is at Runlevel 3. I am attempting to run Bat as I do
all other Linux server GUI programs by forwarding the X display back to
Xming running on my WinXP workstation.
When I attempt to run Bat, I get the following message:
Config error: Cannot open config file "./bat.conf": No such file or
If I "cd /usr/bin" and then "ln /etc/bacula/bat.conf", I get the
following error:
Segmentation fault
Is there any way to debug this further to troubleshoot the cause of this
Big thanks from a Bacula Newbie!
Start bat from the config directory:
cd /etc/bacula
See what happens.
Thanks for the advice! Running /usr/bin/bat doesn't seem to do
anything. Running /usr/sbin/bat Seg faults again.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bacula]# pwd
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bacula]# /usr/bin/bat
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bacula]# /usr/sbin/bat
Segmentation fault
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bacula]# ps ax | grep bat
32320 pts/1 R+ 0:00 grep bat
[EMAIL PROTECTED] bacula]# ps ax | grep bacula
2504 ? Ssl 0:00 /usr/sbin/bacula-sd -u bacula -g disk -c
2566 ? Ssl 0:00 /usr/sbin/bacula-fd -u root -g bacula -c
2586 ? Ssl 0:00 /usr/sbin/bacula-dir -u bacula -g bacula -c
32324 pts/1 R+ 0:00 grep bacula
When I run an strace, I get a bunch of text dumped to the screen.
There are several errors that might be causing the problem:
stat("/etc/xdg/Trolltech.conf", 0x7fffda9a2c40) = -1 ENOENT (No such
file or directory)
stat("/usr/sbin/iconengines/.", 0x855af30) = -1 ENOENT (No such file
or directory)
lstat("/usr/sbin/iconengines/.", 0x7fffda9a40f0) = -1 ENOENT (No such
file or directory)
These items do not exist on my system (hence the "No such file or
directory" error). I search on Google has not shown me where I can
find these items to install...
Also consider running 'strace bat'. I'm assuming a core is dumped too...
you could run gdb against the core file.
- --
---- _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _
|Y#| | | |\/| | \ |\ | | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer II
|$&| |__| | | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
\__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
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Thanks again!
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