I have a problem with bacula 2.2.7 when backing up saying
13-Jan 01:47 server-sd JobId 1071: Error: block.c:569 Write error at  
1:929 on device "DDS-2" (/dev/nsa0). ERR=Operation not permitted.
13-Jan 01:47 server-sd JobId 1071: End of medium on Volume "Freitag"  
Bytes=1,059,867,648 Blocks=16,428 at 13-Jan-2008 01:47.
13-Jan 01:47 server-sd JobId 1071: Job Taeglich.2008-01-13_01.24.03  
waiting. Cannot find any appendable volumes.
The error sometimes occurs very early but sometimes near the end of  
the backup. I get the error with each tape (I also did mt erase and  
wrote a new label on the tape) so it's not tape related (tapes are  
new). Since I got problems with my old DDS drive, a Sony SDT-5000 (I  
got ERR=Permission denied during backup), I bought another drive, a  
Compaq SDT-9000 fw4.40. The SCSI controller, a Tekram 395U is new, too.
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here. Maybe it's the original  
FreeBSD driver (FBSD 6.2). But I used it successfully for several  
years now.

Thanks a lot in advance

(I'll attach my current bacula-sd)

Device {
   Name = DDS-2
   Description = "DDS-2 Laufwerk fuer die Taegliche Sicherung"
   Media Type = DDS-2
   Archive Device = /dev/nsa0
   AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
   AlwaysOpen = no
   Offline On Unmount = no
   Hardware End of Medium = no
   BSF at EOM = yes
   Backward Space Record = no
#  Backward Space File = no
   Fast Forward Space File = no
   TWO EOF = yes
#  LabelMedia = yes;
   RemovableMedia = yes;
   AutoChanger = no
   Volume Poll Interval = 1800
#  Alert Command = "sh -c '/usr/local/sbin/tapeinfo -f /dev/pass0 | 
grep TapeAlert|cat'"

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