On Mon, Jan 07, 2008 at 04:28:18PM -0500, Reynier Perez Mira wrote:
> To test my configuration file. Running this test I get this:
> bacula-dir -t -c bacula-dir.conf
> 07-ene 16:31 bacula-dir: ERROR TERMINATION at parse_conf.c:847
> Config error: expected resource name, got: ocess
>             : line 9, col 5 of file bacula-dir.conf
> ocess, otherwise it will be left blank and you must manually supply it. The 
> password is plain text. It is not generated through any special process but 
> as noted above, it is better to use random text for security reasons.
> What's wrong here?

Please include the text around line 9 of that file. It looks
like a comment-character got removed and it is treating inline
documentation as configuration perhaps?

-Jason Martin

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