In the message dated: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 10:59:23 EDT,
The pithy ruminations from Tod Hagan on 
<[Bacula-users] bscan/autoloader questions> were:
=> Hello list,
=> I need to update my bacula catalog with the contents of a couple of
=> tapes and I have a couple of questions about bscan.

I'm goint through the same process (using bscan to scan 5 LTO-2 tapes), and 
I've got the same questions.

=> The docs say:
=>         If you have multiple tapes, you should scan them with:
=>          bscan -s -m -c bacula-sd.conf -v -V Vol001\|Vol002\|Vol003 /dev/nst0
=> 1. Does bscan work with an autoloader?
=> 2. Do I need to preload the first tape into the drive before starting
=> bscan?
=> 3. Will bscan use the autoloader to load the subsequent volumes in the
=> correct order, or does this need to be done separately from the command
=> line?
=> 4. Should bacula-dir, bacula-fd, and bacula-sd be stopped or is it okay
=> if they're left running while bscan runs?

I haven't seen any answers to these questions in the bacula-users mailing list 
archive, so I'd appreciate any further information on this subject.

On October 4, 2007, Paul Muster asked a very similar question (for which there 
no public reply) about whether bscan will use mtx to load successive tapes from 
an autochanger.

He also asked how to determine the order of tapes that should 
be specified for bscan. That doesn't seem to be in the documentation...I'm 
assuming that that the output from the "restore" command, reporting which 
volumes will be needed to do a restore, actually reports the volumes in the 
order that they should be supplied to bscan. Is this correct, or is there 
another way to determine the volume order?



=> Thanks.
=> -- 
=> Tod Hagan
=> Information Technologist
=> AIRMAP/Climate Change Research Center
=> Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space
=> University of New Hampshire
=> Durham, NH 03824
=> Phone: 603-862-3116

Mark Bergman                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator
Section of Biomedical Image Analysis             215-662-7310
Department of Radiology,           University of Pennsylvania

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