Hi all!

I have Jobs acceding to volumes in different Pools thus I defined pools
in the resource schedule but not in the Job resource. Then, testing the
Job, I got an error message by the absence of the Pool directive in the
Job. Due to it, I used 'Pool = Default' in resource Job.

The Default Pool haven't volumes availables, then testing the Job I
obtain a message saying Bacula cannot find any appendable volumes.

It seems the Pool directive in the Job resource prevail over the Pool
Job-overrides in the Schedule resource. How would I define a Job using
several Pools?

JobDefs {
  Name = "Diaria"
  Type = Backup
  FileSet = "Incremental Set"
  Schedule = "CicloSemanal"
  Storage = DLTDrive
  Messages = Standard
  Max Start Delay = 15h

Job {
  Name = "server1"
  Client = server1-fd
  JobDefs = "Diaria"
  Priority = 10
  Pool = Default
  Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/server1.bsr"

Schedule {
 Name = "CicloSemanal"
 Run = Level=Full Pool=Full 1st sun at 3:00
 Run = Level=Differential Pool=Incremental 2nd-5th sun at 3:00
 Run = Level=Incremental Pool=Incremental mon-sat at 3:00

Thanks in advance.

Daniel Bareiro - System Administrator
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