Thanks Drew - you hit the nail on the head.  There are other files bak files
I don't want backed up from that directory.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Drew Bentley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 11:19 AM
To: Andy Rude
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Backing up a backup file.

On Dec 20, 2007 11:50 AM, Andy Rude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey all -
> I have bacula running succesfully on multiple OS.  I have a windows app
> does its own backups to a file like "20071219.bak".  I'd like to be able
> come up with some sort of fileset that will be able to back yesterdays
> up daily. Do you know of any wildfile options or sh one liners that would
> return?
> the ideal would be "file = %Y%m%d.bak"  but I am unable to find any
> documentation on if that'd work.
> Thanks!
> Andy

I believe you're thinking too hard on the issue you want to achieve.
Say this .bak file is in a directory with all the rest of the .bak
files this Windows machine creates. If those are the only files and
they're based off a timestamp or not, if you have an incremental
backup that runs for the client and directory, the incremental will
only pick up the new .bak file. Really no need to get fancy with
wildcards or crazy regular expression type one liners to pick up one
file per day. Unless there's other .bak files you don't want backed up
from that directory, that'd really be the only reason to get fancy in
your fileset and job created for it.


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