I have an old set of volumes written with the backup type I would like  
to import into my new bacula 2.0 setup.  I run the bscan fun and  
afterwards the volumes do not show up in a list volumes command.

I run bscan -V ProjectBackup_B_0001\|ProjectBackup_B_0002 -v -s -m -c / 
opt/csw/etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf /dev/rmt/0bn

and feed it tapes and wait a while.  first thing it spits out is an  
error on volume type, as in the past these were speced as backup types  
of volumes as opposed to archive volumes as they are now.

scan finishes with the following error and I cannot then see the  
volumes in a list volumes command.

bscan: bscan.c:983 Fileset "BACKUPSERVER-PROJECT_BACKUP_files" already  
bscan: bscan.c:1098 Could not update JobId=448 record.  
ERR=sql_update.c:194 Update problem: affected_rows=0

bscan: bscan.c:1194 Could not create JobMedia record. ERR=sql_create.c: 
153 Update Media record UPDATE Media SET EndFile=388, EndBlock=10422  
WHERE MediaId=0 failed: ERR=

19-Dec 18:00 bscan: End of file 389 on device "LTO-Drive-1" (/dev/rmt/ 
0bn), Volume "ProjectBackup_B_0002"
19-Dec 18:00 bscan: End of Volume at file 389 on device "LTO- 
Drive-1" (/dev/rmt/0bn), Volume "ProjectBackup_B_0002"
19-Dec 18:00 bscan: End of all volumes.
bscan: bscan.c:921 Could not update media record. ERR=sql_update.c:383  
Update problem: affected_rows=0

bscan: bscan.c:626 End of all Volumes. VolFiles=389 VolBlocks=0  
Records added or updated in the catalog:
      0 Media
      2 Pool
      1 Job
435405 File

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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