Thanks for your help, it's working now! Bweb and Bconsole shows strange characters and permission errors (I tried to use the portable option, same problem), but the saving and the restoration works!
My next
challenge is to set up brestore in bweb... :)
Vladimirs Vecgailis írta:
> Hi,
> i'm experiencing the same problem except not with hungarian but
with german "Umlauts" - Ü / ä / ß.
> I
even found a similar question/problem like mine (and now - like yours :-)
> Backups works fine, but i get warnings in the
LOG and the email. Although the files/dirs with special char's are
backup'ed. So i ignore these errors for now...
> If
there would be any other solution i would be glad to hear about it.
> Greetings
> Vladimirs
> --
> Vladimirs Vecgailis
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