On Wed, 21 Nov 2007, Shon Stephens wrote:

> For instance, the full abilities of the commands aren't well
> documented.
They're there, just that you do have to read the entire manual BEFORE 
starting to set it up.

groking why it does things is 3/4 of the effort. once you umderstand the 
philosophy then it's a lot easier to understand

> It required searching the bacula-users posts to discover
> that I could do "label slots=1-12 pool=scratch barcodes".

There's no need to label blank tapes. Just "add" the entries to the 
appropriate pools, apply matching barcodes and update slots. When bacula 
encounters a blank tape which is has no record of having written to 
before, it will throw a read error and then label it.

> I did do something foolish the other day when I edited the jobs and
> ran reload in the console while a job was despooling.

Always run bacula-dir -t bacula-dir.conf before reloading. This is no 
different to Sendmail or Bind operations.

> The conf wasn't
> correct (still trying to get the Windows Fileset syntax correct). Well
> of course the director puked and this is I suppose expected. What I
> didn't expect is that Bacula wouldn't be able to tell me what happened
> to the job, or that the data that had been spooled to disk would all
> be gone.

The data is there. The database entries aren't - because you're spooling, 
the data entries are all spooled to disk and written en masse when the job 

> This is when I started running into difficulty attempting to
> purge the tape and add it back to the scratch pool.

What kind of errors? Why bother adding it back to the scratch pool?

> In addition, I had
> a Full backup run on Sunday. I received email that the job was
> complete and was successful. Querying Bacula for any information
> regarding the job returned "no reuslts". Looking directly at the
> tables showed the Filename table did contain the filenames but the Job
> and File tables were empty.

Did you run out of spool disk space?

> I don't believe this should have been the
> case, and there was nothing in mysql logs to indicate an error and
> none in Bacula logs. I am not unwilling to believe that there still
> could have been an issue with mysql.  These are real concerns for me
> and trying to implement reliable backups.

Start with a small full backup and observe what it does. Only move onto 
large jobs when you're asatisfied you understand it.

WRT Arkeia (and several other packages), I'll only comment that I find 
most of them incredibly frustrating and limiting compared to Bacula.


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