
I'm doing disk-based backups and having a problem getting bacula to
recycle my purged volumes.  It looks like bacula moves the purged
volumes out of their configured pool.  Then when bacula tries to recycle
a volume, it chokes with the warning 'Wanted to create Volume
"clone-Diff-0005", but it already exists. Trying again'.   I'm not using
RecyclePool in my configs.

How do I configure bacula to keep purged volumes in their original pool
so they get reused after the retention period expires?

Here's an example:
zeus-dir: Start Backup JobId 268, Job=clone.2007-11-16_05.05.00
zeus-dir: There are no more Jobs associated with Volume "clone-Diff-0005". 
Marking it purged.
zeus-dir: New Pool is: Default
zeus-dir: All records pruned from Volume "clone-Diff-0005"; marking it "Purged"
zeus-dir: clone.2007-11-16_05.05.00 Warning: Wanted to create Volume 
"clone-Diff-0005", but it already exists. Trying again.

And here's the job definition:
Job {
  Name = "clone"
  Client = clone-fd
  Storage = cloneFile
  Schedule = "WednesdaySchedule"
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
  FileSet = "RootFS-clone"
  Full Backup Pool = "clone-Full"
  Differential Backup Pool = "clone-Diff"
JobDefs {
  Name = "DefaultJob"
  Type = Backup
  Level = Incremental
  Pool = Default
  FileSet = "RootFS"
  Schedule = "DefaultSchedule"
  Messages = Standard
  Write Bootstrap = "/var/db/bacula/%c_%n.bsr"
  Priority = 10
Pool {
# daily differential backups
  Name = "clone-Diff"
  Pool Type = Backup
  Maximum Volume Jobs = 1;
  Volume Retention = 5 days
  Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
  Label Format = "clone-Diff-"

And some software details:
Director OS: FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE
File Daemon OS: FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE
bacula-dir/sd: 2.2.4
bacula-fd: 2.2.4
catalog: MySQL 5.0

Dane Miller
Systems Administartor
Greatschools, Inc

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