
11.11.2007 18:10,, Bill Merriam wrote::
> Has anyone looks at using Amazon's S3 service with Bacula?  I was
> thinking of something along the line of migrating from local disk based
> backups to S3 for longer term storage.

If you wanted to do something like that, some hints:
- treat the storage similar to DVDs, i.e. use an extra script to write 
parts to it.
- or start using vchanger. Instead of symlinking files, you'd copy 
them from / to the remote storage.
- you might mount the remote storage somehow, or copy the contents to 
a local directory before restoring; both can be done using Baculas 
configuration plus some scripts - I think.
- Take your time testing things. Whatever you do, it won't work 
immediately. Be prepared to spend some working days on it.
- Don't forget to post your solution :-)

And, not to forget: I wouldn't trust Amazon far enough to keep my 
backups in their storage. They spying on your data is one thing easily 
handled with encryption. But can you be sure you can access your 
backup volumes when you really need them? And will they be intact? I 
don't think Amazon can compete with a RAID array or a tape regarding 
these issues...


> Bill
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Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann

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