Hi Arno,

Thanks for your prompt response. I actually found out it was my mistake. I
did NOT "label" the newly erased tapes before using the "add" command to add
the volumes to their respective pools. After deleting the volumes and
labeling the volumes, the backups started working properly. A newbie's

This brings up a question. Am I correct to assume bacula actually writes the
volume (barcode label in my case) and the associated pool's info onto the

Also, I encountered a different error when I started running automated
backups last evening.

Number of jobs : 5 ( I have 5 RH EL4 servers including the Bacula tape back
Schedule         : 1
Schedule {
        Name = "Daily"
        Run = Full 4th-5th sun at 20:00
        Run = Differential mon-sat at 23:00
        Run = Differential 1st-3rd sun at 23:00

Jobdefinition   :1
JobDefs {
        Name = "BACKUPS"
        Type = Backup
        FileSet = "UnixSet"
        Schedule = "Daily"
        Storage = TS3200_1
        SpoolData = yes
        Messages = Standard
        Pool = AllFulls
        Full Backup Pool = AllFulls
        Incremental Backup Pool = AllDifferentials
        Differential Backup Pool = AllDifferentials
        Priority = 10

When the backups kicked in at 11pm, volume 400AAL from AllDifferentials pool
was in the tape drive and the first job that started was a differential
backup of the server nfsserver, which found the correct tape in the tape
drive. (The full backup was performed earlier on this server when I ran the
backups manually.)
06-Nov 23:00 nfsserver-dir JobId 4: Start Backup JobId 4, Job=
06-Nov 23:00 nfsserver-dir JobId 4: Using Device "LTO4_1"
06-Nov 23:00 nfsserver-sd JobId 4: Spooling data ...
06-Nov 23:00 nfsserver-sd JobId 4: Committing spooled data to Volume
"400AAL". Despooling 267,152,653 bytes ...
06-Nov 23:00 nfsserver-sd JobId 4: Despooling elapsed time = 00:00:03,
Transfer rate = 89.05 M bytes/second
  Build OS:               x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu redhat Enterprise release
  JobId:                  4
  Job:                    NFSSERVER.2007-11-06_23.00.08
  Backup Level:           Differential, since=2007-11-06 15:50:38
  Client:                 "nfsserver-fd" 2.2.5 (09Oct07)
x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu,redhat,Enterprise release
  FileSet:                "UnixSet" 2007-11-06 13:51:41
  Pool:                   "AllDifferentials" (From Job DiffPool override)
  Storage:                "TS3200_1" (From Pool resource)
  Scheduled time:         06-Nov-2007 23:00:00
  Start time:             06-Nov-2007 23:00:00
  End time:               06-Nov-2007 23:00:12
  Elapsed time:           12 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       49
  SD Files Written:       49
  FD Bytes Written:       266,897,681 (266.8 MB)
  SD Bytes Written:       266,903,369 (266.9 MB)
  Rate:                   22241.5 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  VSS:                    no
  Encryption:             no
  Volume name(s):         400AAL
  Volume Session Id:      3
  Volume Session Time:    1194380622
  Last Volume Bytes:      513,321,984 (513.3 MB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK
The backup went OK without a hitch.

At the same time, the other client jobs kicked in and being a brandnew
backup, those jobs all started as Full backups.

06-Nov 23:00 nfsserver-dir JobId 5: sql_find.c:134 No Job record found: ERR=
CMD=SELECT StartTime FROM Job WHERE JobStatus='T' AND Type='B' AND Level='F'
AND Name='RH006' AND ClientId=2 AND FileSetId=1 ORDER BY StartTime DESC
06-Nov 23:00 nfsserver-dir JobId 5: No prior or suitable Full backup found
in catalog. Doing FULL backup.
06-Nov 23:00 nfsserver-dir JobId 5: Start Backup JobId 5, Job=
06-Nov 23:00 nfsserver-dir JobId 5: Using Device "LTO4_1"
06-Nov 23:00 nfsserver-sd JobId 5: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 1,
drive 0" command.
06-Nov 23:01 nfsserver-sd JobId 5: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 22,
drive 0" command.
06-Nov 23:01 nfsserver-sd JobId 5: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 22, drive 0",
status is OK.
06-Nov 23:01 nfsserver-sd JobId 5: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive
0" command.
06-Nov 23:01 nfsserver-sd JobId 5: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0",
result is Slot 22.
06-Nov 23:01 nfsserver-sd JobId 5: Volume "626AAL" previously written,
moving to end of data.
06-Nov 23:02 nfsserver-sd JobId 5: Error: Unable to position to end of data
on device "LTO4_1" (/dev/IBMtape0): ERR=dev.c:1326 read error on "LTO4_1"
(/dev/IBMtape0). ERR=Input/output error.

06-Nov 23:02 nfsserver-sd JobId 5: Marking Volume "626AAL" in Error in
06-Nov 23:02 nfsserver-sd JobId 5: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 22,
drive 0" command.
06-Nov 23:03 nfsserver-sd JobId 5: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 21,
drive 0" command.
06-Nov 23:04 nfsserver-sd JobId 5: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 21, drive 0",
status is OK.
06-Nov 23:04 nfsserver-sd JobId 5: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive
0" command.
06-Nov 23:04 nfsserver-sd JobId 5: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0",
result is Slot 21.
06-Nov 23:04 nfsserver-sd JobId 5: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "625AAL"
on device "LTO4_1" (/dev/IBMtape0)
06-Nov 23:04 nfsserver-sd JobId 5: Spooling data ...
rh006-fd:      /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs is a different filesystem. Will not
descend from / into /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs
06-Nov 23:08 nfsserver-sd JobId 5: Despooling elapsed time = 00:00:28,
Transfer rate = 76.69 M bytes/second
06-Nov 23:12 nfsserver-dir JobId 5: Bacula nfsserver-dir 2.2.5 (09Oct07):
06-Nov-2007 23:12:43
  Build OS:               x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu redhat Enterprise release
  JobId:                  5
  Job:                    RH006.2007-11-06_23.00.09
  Backup Level:           Full (upgraded from Differential)
  Client:                 "rh006-fd" 2.2.4 (14Sep07)
x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu,redhat,Enterprise release
  FileSet:                "UnixSet" 2007-11-06 13:51:41
  Pool:                   "AllFulls" (From Job FullPool override)
  Storage:                "TS3200_1" (From Pool resource)
  Scheduled time:         06-Nov-2007 23:00:00
  Start time:             06-Nov-2007 23:00:16
  End time:               06-Nov-2007 23:12:43
  Elapsed time:           12 mins 27 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       150,370
  SD Files Written:       150,370
  FD Bytes Written:       6,728,300,376 (6.728 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:       6,749,019,844 (6.749 GB)
  Rate:                   9007.1 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  VSS:                    no
  Encryption:             no
  Volume name(s):         625AAL
  Volume Session Id:      4
  Volume Session Time:    1194380622
  Last Volume Bytes:      6,758,470,656 (6.758 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK

This Full backup Job was also successful BUT it put the volume 626AAL into
error. The following full backups for the remaining clients all went ok on
volume 625AAL.  By reconstructing the event both differential and full
backups started at the same time and the differential job took over the tape
drive making the full backup to think tape 626AAL is faulty.
( Reading volume 400AAL thinking it was 626AAL and not finding eof? )

Please help how I should configure my jobs so that this sort of tape
contention for different pools will not occur. Thanks in advance.



> Message: 8
> Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2007 21:05:22 +0100
> From: Arno Lehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula backup running amok with "not
>         configured to   autolabel Volumes" messages
> To: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hi,
> 06.11.2007 20:36,, Win Htin wrote::
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > I have a RedHat EL4 server connected through FC to an IBM TS3200 tape
> > changer with single LTO4 drive with 44 slots. The bacula version is
> > 2.2.5. I have set the label to use the barcode labels and wiped all 25
> > tapes in the changer clean with the command "mt rewind && mt weof && mt
> > rewind" to make sure all previous label and data entries from earlier
> > tests are completely gone.
> >
> > Entry from bacula-sd.conf:
> >
> >         Label Type = IBM
> >         Check Labels = yes
> >         LabelMedia = no;
> >
> > Following is the sequence of my test run:
> >
> > 1. Checked status of the autochanger just before the job was started.
> > Confirmed NO tapes loaded in the tape drive.
> > 2. *list media
> ... there are volumes available...
> > 3. *run NFSSERVER
> > 06-Nov 13:51 nfsserver-dir JobId 1: No prior Full backup Job record
> found.
> > 06-Nov 13:51 nfsserver-dir JobId 1: No prior or suitable Full backup
> > found in catalog. Doing FULL backup.
> > 06-Nov 13:51 nfsserver-dir JobId 1: Start Backup JobId 1,
> > Job=NFSSERVER.2007-11-06_13.51.03
> > 06-Nov 13:51 nfsserver-dir JobId 1: Using Device "LTO4_1"
> > 06-Nov 13:51 nfsserver-sd JobId 1: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded?
> > drive 0" command.
> > 06-Nov 13:51 nfsserver-sd JobId 1: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0",
> > result: nothing loaded.
> > 06-Nov 13:51 nfsserver-sd JobId 1: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot
> > 21, drive 0" command.
> > 06-Nov 13:52 nfsserver-sd JobId 1: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 21, drive
> > 0", status is OK.
> > 06-Nov 13:52 nfsserver-sd JobId 1: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded?
> > drive 0" command.
> > 06-Nov 13:52 nfsserver-sd JobId 1: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0",
> > result is Slot 21.
> > 06-Nov 13:52 nfsserver-sd JobId 1: Warning: Device "LTO4_1"
> > (/dev/IBMtape0) not configured to autolabel Volumes.
> Ignore the warning for now, it's not an error.
> The problem is that this volume is not recognized.
> I think you should do the following:
> 1. umount the device from bconsole
> 2. issue 'setdebug level=400 trace=1 sd=LTO4_1',
> 3. wait for any messages, then 'setdebug level=0 trace=0 sd=LTO4_1'
> 4. find the lines in the resulting nfsserver-sd.trace file in the
>     SD's working directory where the tape is not accessible (you might
>     see something regarding a "rewind error".
> 5. use mtx to unload the tape from the drive
> 6. use mtx to load that same tape to the drive again (don't ask...)
> 7. in bconsole, issue 'mount sd=LTO4_1 slot=21'
> According to my theory, your job should run then.
> If it does, report back, please - it seems as this is a problem that
> affects several installations.
> If I'm guessing right, you'll find that everything works ok as long as
> tapes from among one pool are exchanged, but once you use another
> pool, Bacula doesn't accept the tape because it can't rewind it.
> For me, this looks really weird.
> If I get this confirmed by others, I'll file a bug report - unless
> someone beats me at it :-)
> Arno
> --
> Arno Lehmann
> IT-Service Lehmann
> www.its-lehmann.de
> ------------------------------
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